I Don't Get It


The Bachelor's Ashley and Lauren Iaconetti and reality TV producer Naz Perez don't get a lot about this world. These three outspoken millennials discuss the most embarrassing topics openly and honestly. Relationships, men, sex, virginity, dating in the tech age, pop culture, and everyday annoyances, these ladies cover it all, and with no filter! Bachelor and Bachelorette alum frequently stop by and join in the racy discussions often sharing their deepest secrets!

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Recent Reviews
  • dd2801
    Less Naz PLEASE
    Please less naz. She’s unrelatable and comes off as rude.
  • beachgirl000
    I like the podcast
    But Can Naz stop interrupting Lauren!! I want to hear from Lauren more yet Naz is always talking over everyone. You’d think one of her gurus would try to teach her the art of less talking and more listening.
  • mvp in va
    Plane crash
    Terrible episode today that should have been edited. All the nonchalant talk about plane crashes in light of current events. Really insensitive and a horrible look.
  • burnTheRope
    5 stars bc of Ashley and Lauren
    I love the Ashely and Lauren and the banter bc it’s so relatable. Ashley’s stories are funny and genuine especially when she brought up Jared with his eyes being closed when the baby was crying. Like why are men all like this!? More stories like that please… the fact that NAZ was plying devils advocate.. I feel like she inserts her opinion on matters she has no idea or experience in. Her advice was honestly insensitive. She has no experience being in a long term relationship orrrr being a mom. She’s always crying over the same thing which is choosing to like someone she knows it’s not going to work out with or doesn’t like her back. GROW UP! It’s the same story every single time. Not good vibes.
  • Canwenot?!
    Girl. Stop calling Ashley’s baby Cruz. It’s so dang rude…it’s not funny or respectful. Your air of superiority is constantly showing. Take a step back. Ashley and Lauren should split and do a sister pod.
  • Wingsvb
    Naz is so out of touch it’s mind blowing
    It’s legitimately baffling what has happened to Naz over the last few years. She has become so pretentious, unrelatable, selfish and out of touch, all under the guise of SeLf LoVe, and she is ruining my enjoyment of this podcast. I have never removed a star to relay this message but I can’t take it anymore and I’m not the only one. I could write a dissertation on all her appalling takes the last year or so. Then Naz’s original comments about Hayden’s name were rude enough, but then calling him Cruise and refusing to say his actual f. ing name until Ashley told her it was offensive? Of COURSE it’s offensive it’s her child, she shouldn’t even have to say that. Just 1 of HUNDREDS of rude out of touch things Naz does these days. Hey Naz, EVERYTHING IN THIS WORLD ISNT ABOUT *YOU* and *YOUR* OPINIONS. Have to take a break from listening. The pod just makes me angry now bc of her instead of the fun light laughing Ashley and Lauren provide.
  • Seraphina83
    Rhode Island
    I’m 41, born and raised in RI and I have to stop listening to this podcast because I can’t stand Ashley’s completely inaccurate description and negative opinion on everything in this state. She has NO CLUE what she’s talking about!
  • Monikerying Around
    I feel bad adding to this negativity around Naz, but it’s hard to listen to someone who thinks they’re so uniquely enlightened but actually just sounds brainwashed. She has an epiphany every week but seems to make the same mistakes again and again. And I actually like her! Needs some tough love or something
  • MissyMaeDragon
    Will never stop listening
    I am so glad that this podcast exists. It’s like a little bubble I can enter once a week, no matter the topic, and be transported back in time or something. It’s so soothing and comforting. I love you girls so very much!
  • Victoria587
    Sorry Naz
    I used to love the pod but Nazs condescending tone and unrealistic content is no longer relatable. She’s coming off like a major LA wannabe and if Ashley and Lauren like her, I would love to give her the benefit of the doubt. But girl, it’s gettin harder and harder.
  • Sunshine and wavess
    Not the same anymore 😭
    This show used to be such a fun escape from daily life. But I can't handle all the new age practice talk and trying to find happiness through whatever means Naz hears of. Bring back more fun carefree convos, rambles and fun call ins. I think Naz just needs a different podcast for a different audience. I end up skipping through so much of the episodes or even entire ones based on the title. 😭 from reading through reviews I'm not the only one, so I legitimately hope these are read and considered.
  • Megan12Nicole
    Please just Lauren & Ashley
    I never leave reviews and I feel awful saying this but Naz makes me want to stop listening especially after this last episode. I couldn’t even stomach the first few minutes before I gave up. Naz doesn’t need some LA “Jedi” to know she is the problem. Please make this a sisters podcast only. Lauren & Ashley are the only reason I keep listening.
  • Lizzzzz93
    This podcast has gone downhill. The latest episode with Naz’s journey was so cringe, you could tell Ashley was trying to be nice but didn’t know how to respond to her. I used to absolutely love this podcast but really hate the wooo woo “find myself” journey.
  • slappyhack
    Ad placement is terrible
    i love lauren and ashley so much so i don’t wanna rate this low but naz needs to take a step back. she is coming off sooo out of touch. she is so rude to ashley always. we, the audience can hear her negging and annoyance with ashley. the last straw was how rude naz was being about hayden’s name! come on!!! wait til you’re a mom and you’ll understand. please stop with the cringing manifesting and spiritual stuff it is soooo cringe.
  • Brooksey395
    Great podcast! Love the rambles the best! Enjoy hearing from all of your perspectives!
  • beefa1
    Therapy session??
    I love when they girls ramble, but Naz has been bringing everything back to her boyfriend troubles, and it seems like every episode is her therapy. I love all the girls and I love this podcast but maybe she should save that for her therapist? It’s hard because we don’t know the people/person who she always talks about.
  • XOXOM2324
    There needs to be a vibe change
    I feel like Ashley is walking on egg shells lately and Lauren has decided she’s happy to let this just be the Naz show? I LOVE Ashley and Lauren’s sister dynamic, but Naz dominates 85% of the conversation talking about herself now and it’s boring. Worse than boring though, Naz can be very catty and mean out of nowhere towards Ashley mocking her voice (when she has no room to talk there) or if Lauren says something mean about Ashley Naz hypes it up by laughing way too hard and loud or says I love you to Lauren like what, are we in seventh grade? This has been going on forever but I never wanted to leave a bad review because I loved this podcast. No one should be treated like this by their friends.
  • Doris34
    Jenns interview
    Ohhhh, Ashley. Asking a board certified Masters level Physician Assistant who works in an ER if she is going to “ do aesthetics”? Major cringe. Jenn handled very well. No shade to aestheticians. But a PA would no more do aesthetics than an aesthetician would treat trauma patients. Please read up on the careers of your guests, and do not assume you could be a first level provider just because it was your second choice to reality star. Ask your dad if you dont understand.
  • KatherineBKelly
    It’s time to move on from Naz…
    Ashley & Lauren have clearly outgrown her. Their friendship seems forced and all she does is talk over everyone!! It would be SO much better with just the sisters.
  • 1902Summer
    Naz girly we’re begging you stop
    I’ve been a dedicated listener and follower from the beginning, but last week's episode was the final straw for me. It feels like I'm listening to a friend who thinks they know it all and is being unkind to my other friends just because they have different opinions. Naz, please consider allowing Ashley to share her experiences and opinions without dismissing them because they differ from your own. We understand your therapy has shaped your perspective, but implying someone's experiences are invalid due to different upbringings stifles what could be meaningful dialogue. If Lauren hadn't been there to provide balance, it would have been ANOTHER episode of you telling Ashley she's always wrong. Consider returning to lighter topics if you're unwilling to consider differing viewpoints, or reflect on why you seem convinced you're always right. Many listeners, myself included, feel excluded by your approach. You often interrupt and talk over your co-hosts which makes it feel like you're not really listening and comes across as rude. As someone with similar upbringing and values to Ashley and Lauren, it feels dismissive to us as well. Must we all uncover deep trauma from our parents to be considered deep and genuine like you? I'm sure your story resonates with listeners, but please explore both sides without the aggressive insistence that it you're more educated then everyone else because of what your 3rd party shrink is telling you.
  • DaniNJ22
    Naz got this day 1 girl to stop listening
    Honestly, the girls have been so unrelateable for a while, but holistic Naz who preaches all her health LA nonsense is now claiming it’s cool to smoke. Not having my downloads pay for her cigarettes
  • Cringe Harrison
    I’ve been a listener from the start and have enjoyed hearing about Naz, Lauren, and Ashley’s growth through the years. I appreciate how candid they are and how they love things like boy bands unabashedly. Rambles feel like catching up with friends. Some of the previous comments left below are rude and unfair. Podcasts are fun, so no need to get so worked up.
  • Wendy1976!
    Why is Naz so rude to Ashley?
    Is Naz jealous of Ashley? Naz is always mocking things that Ashley says and argues with her. Naz makes fun of Ashley for all of her opinions and everything she says. Let Ashley have her own opinion sheeeesh. Wish we could have the show without Naz judgy pants.
  • lololoo55
    no more guests!
    please no more woo woo guests!!!!! the sect of the population that believes in that stuff let alone wants to here it is minuscule
  • TresKinsey
    The peeing your pants in public episode
    I think Naz is very much in the minority regarding the Trish/Noah Cyrus thing. I haven’t heard a single opinion that is different than Ashley’s. It made me sad that Naz seemed so judgy towards Ashley’s opinion.
  • hb6879!!
    More rambles, less guests
    No revisits anymore (kinda lazy of y’all), only rambles. Give the people what they want
  • Prisgirl
    Obsessed with the rambles
    Please never stop! This podcast is so funny and soothing
  • mangeonsmtl
    Wait… that’s sick
    The LAisms are gonna get old Naz - just sayin
  • Ownin24
    Love Love Love
    As a gay guy, I feel a strong connection to these three beautiful ladies. We share common experiences, from our thoughts about Disney to the desire to stay home due to the weather. It feels like they are experiencing what I feel all the time
  • MsA15
    ❤️just love listening to you girls interact with each other❤️
  • Kfish23
    So entertaining
    Love listening to this show! Been listening since the beginning and usually agree with all the I don’t get it’s! I definitely feel like I could be friends with all 3 girls and love following their lives on social and the pod. Feels like I’m hanging with my friends when I listen
  • mysticmichaela
    Love it
    So good!
  • bubbiejones
    Respectfully Naz is insufferable
    I have listened to this pod for as long as I can remember. Unfortunately between Naz talking over Lauren and Ash, going against them (constantly feels like she either doesn’t care about their opinions or feels hers is bible aka if she doesn’t agree with them she almost always proceeds to argue and constantly “yea buts” them). I’m not sure what has caused her to become so jaded and miserable (clearly jealous of the Lauren and Ash’s relationships) but between what I mentioned above and the constant whining about how she’s never going to find someone — No Naz you won’t find someone constantly complaining about it. You attract what you are. I don’t mean this to be rude honestly I truly hope she looks inward and realizes she has caused this show to be completely unlistenable.
  • gilllin61
    Great topics!
    Love this podcast. Great chemistry with these ladies.
  • AL9823
    Your reunion!!
    Pls do a live podcast at Aubrey’s when you’re together!🥹
  • PeetaLuvv<3
    Fave Podcast
    This is my favorite podcast! I’ve been listening for 3-4 years. It makes my Mondays so much better. You all feel like friends even though I don’t know you. I relate so much with Ashley, her opinions always align with mine, it’s kind of weird! Thank you all for being so real! And you guys are hilarious❤️
  • EmmPenn
    Totally shipping Naz and Jared Freid! Get on it girl! Love listening to y’all very week, so relatable and hilarious!
  • Natalia Rosie
    Love you guys
    This is one of my longest running subscriptions to a podcast I love you guys and I’m so glad you’re still doing the podcast I don’t know what I would do if you stopped!!! I really can’t with the “manifesting” guests though it’s like the opposite of I don’t get it, I always feel like you guys get it when you complain about something so mundane and human and stupid - I went through a Jessa Reed phase too, Nas…
  • ssteppphh
    Love the rambles!
    Love this podcast!!!! The hosts are hilarious and amazing. A must listen! I love the rambles, the catching up, the humor, and the guest interviews too. This is such a weekly staple. The girls are hilarious and so fun to listen to. The educational episodes are wonderful also. Love their tales and it is very relatable! They talk about topics that others might steer away from. Love it! Five stars!
  • Angie102094
    Tom Cruise Episode
    Hi ladies! I have listened since the beginning. I am a huge fan and love this podcast and you girls! Hence the five stars. But something that I feel could help is to let each other tell a story without interrupting each other. For example, Ashley was trying to tell her Tom Cruise story and I felt bad that she kept being interrupted. Following Ashley for so long, that story was so important to her and I was frustrated for her!
  • Bho7361
    The ads are getting out of control
    Edit: reviewing because there are so many ads and they go on for such a long time this episode 331. The” Ashley read her bachelor diary “ episode might be the funniest podcast I’ve ever heard. I was squealing and screaming with laughter in the car feeling like I was sitting in the room with Ashley and Lauren gossiping with my girls they are so funny.
  • lulu1004
    Time to grow up
    Ashley stop insulting your MIL on a podcast. How immature. Remember, you will be a MIL someday. Hope your DIL treats you more respectfully.
  • RMRN18
    Silence is golden
    Listening to the interview was kinda rough! It was great to get more information about ovarian cancer however it was hard listening to the hosts have to interject at every turn! I get it your the host, but sitting in silence and letting someone share their experience is beautiful. You don’t have to be an expert, you don’t have to try and find a common thread. Let your guest share and speak up when appropriate. I love listening to the pod and hearing a good ramble but that interview was rough!
  • JiggyJag
    OBSESSED with this pod and you ladies. Keep up the 🔥🔥🔥🔥
  • theAinpodcast
    Love this so much but ads are out of control
    I’m worried if I paid for Patreon and got the ad free version there would only be ten minutes of podcast. I truly love this podcast and the girls but they need to do all ads at the end or beginning, their “organic” blending of ads every 7 minutes is exhausting and so corny.
  • aroe4118
    No more Liz
    Please. Her interruptions are absurd and does not flow well.
  • Emokidssuck
    Just a review for the most recent episode
    Disclaimer, I have not read the Queens Code. But this is just my feedback after listening to the last podcast episode. It was disheartening to hear a guest come on with such old values of how women are expected to change for a man and better understand how to ask them to do things. Telling women that you need to remind your partner to do something, after you’ve asked? I’m sorry, but this needs to change. The whole episode I disagreed with a lot of what she said, being somebody who came from an abusive situation. This made me feel like it’s my fault because I didn’t “understand” him. While I love this podcast normally and do like to have different kinds of guests, this one just made me sad, and it made me even more sad to know Naz likes what she had to say.
  • gina1030
    I’ll always be a fan BUT
    Please don’t bring Liz the feminist. If Naz is not here than don’t bring your friend. I rather listen to the two of you. Her voice is annoying
  • Mavfinn
    They need to hire a fact checker
    Cringing listening to you talk about over the counter medicines and stating as fact Aleve is aspirin, which it is not. It is 200 mg of naproxen which is another NSAID. Hopefully listeners don’t take what you say as truth as this isn’t the first time I have heard something on this podcast that was not correct. Ugh, if you are influencers then please be responsible with the information you spread.
  • watcheveryseaon
    Disclaimer needed!
    Please begin your rambles with a quick disclaimer of what kind of grades you got in science, if any post high school learning was science based, and your credentials or lack of related to the topics you discuss. Or just say you are not experts in any way and your comments are just guesses.
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