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Democracy Now! 2025-03-05 Wednesday
Mar 5, 2025 – 59:00 -
Democracy Now! 2025-03-04 Tuesday
Mar 4, 2025 – 59:00 -
Democracy Now! 2025-03-03 Monday
Mar 3, 2025 – 59:00 -
Democracy Now! 2025-02-28 Friday
Feb 28, 2025 – 59:00 -
Democracy Now! 2025-02-27 Thursday
Feb 27, 2025 – 59:00 -
Democracy Now! 2025-02-26 Wednesday
Feb 26, 2025 – 59:00 -
Democracy Now! 2025-02-25 Tuesday
Feb 25, 2025 – 59:00 -
Democracy Now! 2025-02-24 Monday
Feb 24, 2025 – 59:00 -
Democracy Now! 2025-02-21 Friday
Feb 21, 2025 – 59:00 -
Democracy Now! 2025-02-20 Thursday
Feb 20, 2025 – 59:00 -
Democracy Now! 2025-02-19 Wednesday
Feb 19, 2025 – 59:00 -
Pankaj Mishra on "The World After Gaza" & the "Reactionary International" from Trump to Modi
Mar 4, 2025 – -
Extended Interview: Mark Graham on Internet Archive's Work Preserving the Web as Gov't Sites Go Dark
Feb 28, 2025 – -
"I'm Innocent": Keith LaMar Speaks Live from Death Row About His Case, Conditions & Pending Execution
Feb 24, 2025 –
Recent Reviews
RevSaraGazaWake up It ‘s ALL about the Ben Gurion Canal It ‘s proposed to go thru Northern Gaza France , UK, Israel , The U.S. are ALL In on it Amy please investigate this And publicize this It ‘s the only thing that makes sense A HUGE LAND GRAB 50 Billion funded by Israel 50 Billion funded by the U.S. So Far Others will contribute Over time Justification is not about humanity It’s the Almighty Dollar $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ WAKE UP This is tha Elephant in the room
HEALTHY DAY!All her showsSeptember 2024 - Jill Stein needs to be on DEMOCRACY NOW .... she espouses the same as you .... especially on stopping Genocide in Gaza and West Bank September 10, 2024 - Tariq Ali said, “If I were an American citizen I would vote for Jill Stein. She is an excellent politician” Jill Stein needs to be on DEMOCRACY NOW! Amy, you highlight the plight of Palestinians; you won the Izzy award for best coverage of Gaza / Palestine .... so it’s a natural for Jill Stein to be on your show.... the sooner the better !!!! October 25, 2023 I’d like to see Norman Finkelstein - a Truth-Teller and premier Scholar on Palestine / Israel - be on your show Thank You for introducing me to other scholars, historians, professors, journalists, authors, activists who are knowledgeable on Palestine / Israel Julia from NE Ohio Amy Goodman of of independent news,DEMOCRACY NOW, is a truth-teller! Even though DEMOCRACY NOW is liberal/progressive, they discuss the problems of both the republicans and democrats. It’s my number-one source of truthful news! 2-4-2020, I disagree with David Fromm. He says we have extraordinary prosperity; who he representing? Has he looked at JOB QUALITY INDEX - like the number of people that are making minimum wage or working several jobs or having no health benefits or other benefits? He sounds like a republican or corporate democrat or a person from the DNC! BERNIE, I believe, can beat Rump! Thanks for informing and educating me. Nermeen Shaikh (during stay-at-home covid time) looks like she’s going to a party instead of delivering serious news! I listen and learn from Amy Goodman. Her straight-forward, humanitarian, progressive approach is trustworthy July 15, 2021 - I can hardly understand what the Afghan woman human rights advocate, JOYA, is saying. I suggest that you have subtitles for some of these folks that speak English, but not very clearly. Thank you, Juli
American Living in PeruAlex Smith:Thanks to Mr. Alex Smith and ALL who have resigned due to the Biden CONTINUED SUPPORT of the GAZA MASSACRE! I am NOT an Anti-Semite, but anyone should be able to see what the Israeli Government is doing in GAZA is “Genocide”! The students are trying andWE need to support them.
CrystalashWhat real journalism is about!The only silver lining to my disillusionment about the corporate media’s role in disseminating lies and distortions of the world events is that there are still a few news outlets that speak the truth and stand by the moral principles. Truly grateful for your hard work and unwavering commitment to real democracy! If only the so-called legacy media could say the same.
😉💙🙃19 December 2023Where is the Arab community? Why are they not supporting their fellow Arabs in the Palestinian community? Their neighbors can’t be bothered to come to their aid, must they rely on those 1/2 way around the world?
bjohns383The NewsThere is no better news source in the US.
RedchaimSlantedAs skewed and slanted on anything you would see on Newsmax from the other side. Will never give you a whole story or any ideas that do not support her ideology
PCN2Long-time listenerI’ve been appreciating Amy Goodman and Democracy Now! since it was a Pacifica radio show before it became a TV show as well (from KPFA in the SF Bay Area). Love, love, love this show. In fact, it’s the ONLY news show I watch on a daily basis because of its progressive bent and lack of sensationalism. I also love Juan Gonzalez and Nermeen Shaikh. And now there are extended shows to hear more from guests and in-depth discussion. And transcripts. And a Spanish version. Just keeps getting better and better. I donate monthly and I feel everyone show donate something, anything.
Webz_xIt’s really goodIt’s a great place to see all the news that you need to see around the world! Everyone should listen to this podcast it’s great and awesome to listen to. It’s definitely a podcast you have to listen to everyday!
Briseis27A treasureThis show models the value of excellence and integrity in activist reporting. You will learn more here in one morning than you could learn in a month of gentle morning shows from The NY Times or NPR, which often resort to sanitized language in a futile attempt to appear unbiased, or take quotes from “both sides” without asking hard questions to anyone who actually wields power. I can’t listen every day because it can be too much truth to bear sometimes but there is Amy G, seemingly tireless, steady, present for a new generation— thank God for that— I just hope that she dances at the end of the day to her fabulous soundtracks!
Miso ChampThe Best Of American JournalismAmy Goodman is the best, hands down.
drco-gWell DoneI love the “Morning Show”.
Rad-2-cooL7-11-22The worst episode. Y’all need to think about your Viewers. Or I need to find a new show. Topic is great and much need. But the spot on this senator is not the example for your viewers in my point of view as a person that’s been watching and listening to the show for years now.I really hope that you guys would show examples of how the United States has been pushing guns on not only this country but I’m many others how many weapons they have already involved in the Ukrainian more if you’re going to continuously talk about that as well.You’ll need better spots it’s hard to miss the mark on what to talk about but y’all are really missing it on who. More on BrittanyGriner!!!!!!!
SuperstumblerThis is journalism!Straightforward, no-spin coverage on critical issues spanning the globe & ignored or given cursory mention by mainstream media. If cable news outlets were to broadcast real journalism into the living rooms across America, the nation could have the well-informed populace needed for our democracy to survive. Democracy Now sets the gold standard.
GeofuLabor Day BroadcastThis episode (about Afghanistan) should have been put up as a special review program or something. The very Concept of Labor Day demands a show about Worker’s struggles for fair employment. You had nothing, and I feel that you disrespected the dignity of the Holiday. We can’t all be Veterans, some of us just work to keep the country strong.
kenjinycDisappointedI am a longtime viewer and listener of the show. I have admired Amy’s and especially Juan’s work throughout the years. The coverage of the latest from Cuba is truly disappointing. Using old footage of Havana, not addressing the disappearances, the hospital conditions and deaths, the internet/intranet blackout, the changes in only allowing US currency in food stores which black and brown Cubans do not have access to, the forced drafting of protesters. They are chanting “Libertad de la dictadura”. Please don’t use this show to push a political agenda. You are losing credibility with your latine audience.
The ZoopListen every dayDemocracy Now is fantastic independent journalism. I really appreciate the show, the guests, and the topics covered. I do worry about Amy ‘s health—she sounds like she’s worn herself out in the past year or so—and hope she can take some time to take care of herself! We need her voice for the long term future! Thanks to the whole Democracy Now team for their hard work and impressive content!
FraschettiDemocracy Now is superb journalismI recommend this podcast and before that radio/ tv broadcast to everyone I know. Keep doing what you are doing, we need dependable news sources!!!!
ThompsondavidOutstanding News SourceThis is the best news source - period.
KyussforeverThe only check-in on humanity and global democracy you need...The amount of “news” sources out there is overwhelming in terms of learning/knowing of the dire threats against those fighting for actual democracy. If you’re looking to narrow down the countless independent sources who stand up to capitalist/racist thuggery to just one a day, you cannot go wrong making Amy Goodman and her team your 1 daily go-to.
Gr8GatzbiThis is the bestThank you to Amy and the team for providing such comprehensive reporting and coverage of reality.
GorskiTexasDonate Monthly to Support DN!The best, free, non-profit independent news. Love the first fifteen minutes for a global news recapitulation, followed by some of the best interviews in journalism for the rest of the hour. 10/10 Only complaint is there is no weekend show!
Skrappy CocoLoved Amy Goodman Before Democracy Now!I use to listen to Amy when she was at KPFA/Berkeley! I followed her over to Democracy Now from It’s inception. The headlines alone are so hard hitting and informative and her interviews are incredible. I appreciate Juan and Nermeen as well. So many great questions, in-depth responses and the music, always fitting! I started donating years ago! Could not imagine life without Democracy Now!
Donna BerkWho killed truth?Not sure what I would do if Democracy Now became unavailable to me. I have downloaded Amy’s podcast wherever I am in the world to get ground. I have come to rely on the outstanding efforts of all those affiliated with this outlet to provide comprehensive, relevant, necessary world news and insight. The quality of thought , inquiry and critical discernment surpasses every other essential broadcast news. In a post modern world this information outlet has resisted commodification .Guests are distinct, mindful, highly accomplished, intellectually knowledgeable and highly relevant contributors. The reporters are intrepid and don’t pander to sound byte. This news does not go for sensational ratings , glamor, celebrity, personal opinion or influence peddling . There is no redundancy - it sets out to get it right and give you the most it has learned and can share with you at any moment . Democracy Now focuses genuinely and relentlessly on standards of truth, priority, access and essential concerns. As a news team they provide information vitally necessary to ones understanding of the complex world of information, misinformation and the many voices we must navigate in around and through. The war and peace report is a lifeline, a tether to a source of valuable information extending in both directions highlighting our progress and our dissolution - war and peace , the human condition . Thank you for being a reliable and educative source
FrePhillAmy & Juan R AwesomeMy first political science professor introduced me to Democracy Now in 2009. He assigned the class an assignment of compare & contrast. I’ve been hooked ever since.
ThoreauvianThe sourceI have been listening to/watching DN since I found it accidentally on a local university public access channel back in the 2002 and I can say that this program has opened my eyes in so many ways about the importance of independent journalism to free society. I hope Amy and Juan can keep this going for another 15 years at least!
カーミットの神Essential News SourceThough maybe don’t start your day with it. It is almost always a downer, as it reminds us of the sorry state of the world with sobering clarity. Amy is eternally frank, Juan’s got an underlying amusement in everything he says, and Nermeen is severe. Their deliveries harken back to a time when journalists attempted objectivity, if only in tone, even where the framing makes their positions quite clear. I hate to label things “left” or “right”, as I think it is less meaningful than “toward” or “away” from truth. DN is definitely the former.
ebwallyDaily Fact-based Inquiry on What Is Happening On the PlanetI don’t understand why everyone hasn’t tuned to Democracy Now! for the daily news. Democracy Now! is the absolute best. I’m invigorated every day with the truth and inspired by those seeking justice and accountability.
AndyIsraThe best independent source of newsNo other show compares, both NPR and the NYtimes daily are rife with corporate interest. Only DN! Tells it like it is, and shines light in the darkest corners of our world. The music is great, the guests are great. Truly a gem.
anniespadThe ONLY news source you can trust!If you want to understand the forces at play in the world today, Democracy Now is your go-to place. It gives us the info we need as we try to wake the world a better place. Thank you, Amy, Juan, and Nermeen for your persistence and dedication to the truth, hard as it is to hear and stomach. You are so inspiring! in solidarity, Annie
repreKentQuality Independent MediaDemocracy Now! is vital to me. As the options for real journalism diminish, Amy, Juan, Nermeen and co. pick up the slack. Global news coverage is so hard to find in corp media at all, especially from a rational, anti-imperial perspective. We are lucky to still have media sources like this as the establishment’s war on journalism has been raging with bipartisan consensus across administrations, creating a constitutional crisis.
BennyspcTruth in reportingDemocracy Now is by far one of the best sources for unbiased information. An informed public creates an informed electorate. No spin, no bias, just great reporting. I’ve been tuning in for years.
DonnaDarkoI trust these people.These people will not lie to you. I download this podcast every day and always play the daily Headlines. Almost every day I decide to continue through their in-depth segments. They always go beyond the sound bites and frequently they include rich historical context. “You can’t fool me. I watch Democracy Now!” See also: Intercepted, and Deconstructed podcasts.
BerkutichaVery informative showVery informative show - thank you for that, but I wish there would be a different opening piece of music. It screeching sound drives me absolutely crazy - have to mute the beginning of each episode. Also, I’d appreciate a calmer tone on the reporting. We have enough stress in our lives on a daily basis.
sooshi27Love DN, uploads have been terribleLove listening to DN everyday, but In the last week the audio and video uploads have been very shoddy. Audio recordings jump and skip through 15-20seconds every few moments end of episodes. This leads to unintelligible last 20 minutes! Video uploads are occasionally doing the same (including 11/19/18 upload); audio and video don’t match up, and some skipping as well. Keep on doing the Hard Work we all appreciate!
TimBsTechTalkFirst ClassThe reporting far exceeds typical news shows. Amy Goodman deserves to be recognized as one of the leading news anchors/reporters of our time.
Language PuzzleComprehensiveA daily must watch or listen. Download to device to listen in your car. Detail you won’t find in most other hour programs Daily headlines with sufficient detail. And a daily comprehensive news story. Thank you.
Bootsy Ampleforthnecessary journalismIn a 'post truth era', we need Democracy Now more than ever. If you want to know what is really going on and get behind the scenes and down to the nitty gritty of the cultural and political landscape you have come to the right place. Absolutely essential if you are looking for the truth. NO SPIN.
MisterbobdobalinaFour Days in Occupied Western SaharaI’m a fan of DN but I found this to be lazy and overly righteous journalism. The original people of what is called Western Sahara would probably take offense to the people who occupy that area now as victims. The current day Morrocans and the people in “Western Sahara” look like the same descendants of Arab migration to this region.
RawyummieLord have Mercy!!If ure not watching this dhit right here nga.... u don’t know dhit. True story! But for real. I wouldn’t be the person I am right now if it wasn’t for DN. It is heavy so once again if u only eat cooked food this is may be hard to digest. For those who know how valuable raw is it’s invaluable. Love y’all! If there is a god, DN is the only reason she hasn’t wipe us off the face of the earth
MarcioLeninEver since we got nine eleven’d7am M-F One thing first i must have me a “Good” healthy dose of some Amy “man” if u dont get it 4get it. To all the members of the Democracy Now family Thank you.
b.zhangmost trusted source of infothis is the only media i gave money to and would happily promote. downloading has been really slow though, i wonder if there’s something fishy here — corporations trying to suppress Democracy Now...
cmhabbyBe informedWatch daily. Independent news, just the facts!
LauraLooking4AppEssential for better understanding the present, past and futureI recommend this to anyone interested in learning about how we got here, what is currently going on, and what is likely to happen. I love the focus on the movements—this is sooo different from the other media who wants us to give up defeated before we even begin to fight.
this-reviewvideos not downloadingThis is a great podcast, but for the past few months, I have not been able to download the video version. I don't understand why.
stonelocoNational TreasureAmy Goodman is a breath of fresh air after listening to the national media.
DannyPersonBest News Show in ExistenceAccurate and comprehensive journalism
USMaleLeft thinking trashThis show is strictly for the wild crazy left and socialist. Keep leaning to the left more, and more to finish killing off the Democrat Party for good.
egdod17ErinDemocracy Now is my go-to source for in-depth, ethical journalism. Amy Goodman is an incredibly courageous and dauntless reporter who embodies the true spirit of journalism to shine a light where there is none, to question the claims of those in power, and to privilege the voices of the unheard. Sometime co-host, Juan Gonzalez, is a towering figure in investigative journalism as well. I have depended on DN for news for a decade, and for insight into history: their archives span back to before 9/11, and are a rich source of firsthand information. Love DN, cannot recommend highly enough.
johnston827All propagandaThis is one of the least accurate sources of information I have ever seen. The goal of this podcast is obviously to keep is listeners missinformed and ignorant of what is really going on or happening. They don't even pretend to be journalist. This is for the extreme Alt-Left. The fact that they would even lable this as News & Politics is laughable. You would be better informed if you didn't listen to anything then having listened to this. Lack any substance and has to resort to name calling of anyone who would dare to disagree. Seriously, don't waste you time wathing this if your goal is to be well infomred.
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