Sid & Friends In The Morning


Good mornings start with New York's most compelling morning show. Entertaining and Informative. Listen to Sid and Friends in the Morning everyday from 6AM-10AM on 77 WABC, starring Sid Rosenberg.

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Recent Reviews
  • Savagette
    O’Reilly is wrong
    The left does not hate Trump because they believe he is evil – – the left hates Trump because THEY are evil and they fear losing their power.
  • Queue57
    Worth a Listen
    Sid is talented and occasionally humorous. A self described egomaniac with an inferiority complex he can always find a way to distastefully interject himself into any conversation or interview in a manner that distracts the listener from what the other person is saying. However, he has mostly interesting guests (Catsimatidis may be a great businessman but he sounds awful on the radio) and when Sid allows his guest to speak unencumbered and without interruption he is able to bring out their best.
  • Lolo13419
    Station owner LOVES Eric Adam’s? Thinks he’s going to win the NYC Mayoral race?
    Gross and despicable
  • Frank Acavano
    Boring show
    Big bag of hot air If you like hearing grunge music and rampant profanity, this is the show for you. Foul mouth pig
  • hohum1045
    Just the same over and over
    Jew updates and low intellectual analysis. Enjoy!!
  • Gigglingsister
    What would Imus say?
    He’d call you out for being the kiss up, phony you are. He’d remind you how you voted for Hilary and how you’ve sold your soul to Trump for ratings. Oh how I would have loved to hear him reduce you to the spineless hypocrite you are. He’d have you grovelling for his approval and he’d never give it to you because he only respected those who were true to themselves. You disgraced yourself at MSG and he would have been embarrassed for you.
  • David L. Sch
    Best Radio Show
    It may lean towards one side, but he says it like it is and provides context to his various points. Brings on some of the best and brightest minds from a variety of fields.
  • LBS301
    Crappy Jews for Harris!
    Have you no moral compass? Those who lie down with dogs …..
  • Carole from Seattle
    Ads in middle of guests speaking!
    Won’t be tuning in anymore!
  • pandemicfool
    Come on Sid! Address the O Reilly vs Bongino feud.
    There is no middle ground here, so show us which side you’re on. I love Danny B and I now hate Bill O! So feel free to end the radio silence and let’s get this laundry cleaned up and show your true colors. Be careful because you might end up in an F around and find out moment. Nobody on podcast has shown a set of balls to take this on. I’ll be waiting, along with the rest of America. You could do 3 hours on this one subject and it wouldn’t be enough.
  • 80'sVillager
    Give Credit to Biden!
    Supports Israel! Supports Ukraine! Low unemployment! High Wages! Record High Stock Market! The graceful wise Father of our country!
  • Jeanne🐈
    Entertaining and Refreshing View on News
    I love this show. Better than anything on TV or talk radio. Sid is honest and tells it like it is. He has a huge network of influential connections, some he’s known since childhood. I can’t get enough of his show!!!
  • catlover 1111
    Nicest guy
    Met him on the circle in Aventura with my dad. He looks buff.
  • yeheij
    Need some new blood or guests
    Same show every day Commercials mid word during interviews is ridiculous
  • Ymp021
    Apples dirty tricks
    Sid is great! Why did apple make him less accessable by categorizing the podcas as explicit ? perhaps they have an issue with him big a strong pro Israeli /pro American voice.. Truth will win!
  • mordy406
    Ads way to loud!
    The ads are way to loud pls fix Why does pic still say Bernie and Sid
  • zahavit
    Mazi Philip is registered republican .!!!
    Please check with Bruce Blakeman Nasso County Executive, and other republican supporting her. Mazi changed, rumors are not true. It will be great help to her if you correct, her true affiliation . Dr.Michael Goldstein run for Congress, brilliant Doc. And a lawyer, being Jewish in Greenwich CT. Lots of untrue dirt being thrown on him, HE WILL BE GREAT YO BE INTERVIEW BY YOU. I hear you very often. Thank you, Z.Gordon
  • Paul M Frazee
    Your ads are too loud!
    Please advise whatever ad service or editing service that you’re using to do something about the volume of the ads during your podcast. It’s really annoying. It also is extremely dangerous when you’re driving down the road and then all the sudden the radio starts blasting. Please fix this.
  • RodG64
    The commercials thrown into a 15 minute segment is enough to unsubscribe to apple. Go screw with your drops in the middle of conversations. F OFF!!
  • Crusher Mike
    A Person Who met you when you were a Sports Guy
    Your recent shows have been your best! Long May you Reign at 770WABC.
  • Birdie101oo7
    Hi Sid! I’m happy your on meds to get better and I’m happy your daughter is home and recovering. I love your show on podcast and it’s the highlight of my day! My question is why when your not the show doesn’t show up on Apple podcast - it’s always a repeat of the day before.😔 I never got to listen to Fridays show with Curtis sitting in for you and I was so sad. Any idea why this happens? Is there someplace I can listen to the Friday show?
  • darkon1970
    Sid Is A Moron in an understatement
    Sid takes narcissism to another level. Constantly bragging about himself, ratings, the clothes he wears, etc. Constantly calling fans morons and other names because they do not agree with him. Constantly kissing up to guests and no real prep for interviews, only reads clickbait headlines and does no research for context. Not politically intelligent at all. His crew sound worse than amatuers. The list of negatives can go on and on...
  • Lisa Marv
    This show is addicting. I've listened since the beginning. It's at it's best when the 'gang', lead by the quick witted and self deprecating, Sid, is talking about himself with the crew. The stories are hilarious and interesting. Bernie's passing was very sad of course and he's missed but Sid is great on his own and with the weekly guests. Curtis, Bo and Bill O are the best!
  • James208E
    Repeat of Friday’s show on Monday 7/18/22
    PAY ATTENTION TO THE PODCAST😠‼️ Same podcast from last Friday with MONDAY’S title...GREAT DISAPPOINTMENT!!! August 16th-Flying Solo, Sid this is not your best attribute but if you want attention to your new book...Go on the nightly #1 Greg Gutfeld show!! He’ll at least promote your new book in the beginning & end of the show and discuss opinions with the panel-you do that regularly on the radio!! NOTE-September 8th!! SID-you love to promote your appearances!! You are a legend in your own MIND!! Your narcissistic ego has destroyed the premise of the originality of the broadcast!! I betcha you can’t wait till you think that you can’t wait to take over the show on your own😠‼️ YOU SUCKED-BOTTOM LINE... SEPTEMBER 23rd-I gave you a five star review because you deserved it SID👏‼️And this Friday’s show was met with shared emotions BUT I loved your consistent attacks on Adams, Biden, & other Democratic leaders shows you are passionate personally yet dedicated to spreading the truth like BERNIE would have done-BRAVO ZULU👍‼️ December 02/22..... If you want to fully illustrate the evidence to the Holocaust deniers, I recommend them to watch the 2001 HBO MOVIE “CONSPIRACY” starring Kenneth Branagh...True events of the planning to eliminate all the Jewish people😳‼️ January 2 2023-“BRAVO ZULU”👏‼️Great WABC BROADCASTING for the Holiday week!! Loved Morano taking multiple phone calls(something Sid won’t do any longer) and I enjoyed immensely listening to Sliwa & Cats talking realistically to their guests on all current issues...SORRY EGO MANIAC SID would prefer talking personal issues most of the time & FRANKLY, I didn’t missed him at all😠‼️ WABC Radio audience deserves the old style broadcasting that was displayed during the Holidays & even TODAY!!!!
  • Pattywat8
    Bernie and Sid show
    I loved Bernie and Sid together but for me Sid makes my day / I put my alarm on at 6 just to listen to Sid - today was great (Thursday , Nov. 10, 2022). Loved segment with Curtis. Loved to hear from Zeldin too - everyday shows are great - I have always been a radio freak - thanks Mr. Cats - this station 77WABC is the best - if I am home or in car I liste all day and even go back to hear on podcasts. But Sid is no. 1 ❤️ I will always have Bernie in my heart💚🇺🇸 keep up great work!
  • Dchobo
    As Good as Ever!
    Sid is finding his pace after losing his best friend and legend Bernie; who we all loved! He allows opposing views but these views never go unchallenged. Which is a sign of his confidence and respect for his listeners. It’s a tremendous show and will only get better as Sid reconstructs it in his way.
  • Kathy,RN
    Bernie & Sid
    I’m a lady from KY and I enjoy this podcast. I’m so sorry for the passing of Bernie. I’ve loved listening to him from the Imus shows til now. I hope Sid continues!
  • kycuse
    Bernie and Sid
    Listen to this show most every day from Louisville, Ky. Some of the guests are getting a little “ tired” but overall very good. The show was much better when Bernie was on Sid is terrific but it’s just not as good.
  • Taki Z
    Cut ties with Bill O’Reilly
    I’ve been a fan of both this show and Bill for a very long time. Its not bc I want to do y’all a favor or bc y’all are some kind of messiah. The *only* reason for my continued support is bc of the trust/transparency you have built up over time. So if the trust and transparency is compromised, there’s literally ZERO reason for me to spend my time/money on you. So.. Hearing Bill try to spin whether Biden and Harris lied about the border and inflation, was outrageous. It was infuriatingly insulting to the intelligence of ANYONE with an ounce of objectivity and intellect. By LYING and shamelessly spinning the situation, he did EXACTLY what he claims to despise. Therefore I will NEVER waste my valuable time on this program ever again as long as you trot that pompous condescending LIAR out there to LIE to your listeners. You should be absolutely ASHAMED of yourselves.
  • spindoc84
    Crime, crime and crime …
    On 8 July show Eric Adams insisted Rudy Giuliani was acting ‘inconsistent’ with the tape regarding his assault/slap on the back. Oh to turn back time and point blank ask Eric if he was accusing Rudy of pulling a Jussi Smollette …
  • eumace
    I listen to the podcast while walking. Once I get the volume set it is very irritating how they Jack up the volume during the scheduled breaks. Just about blows my eardrums out. I like both Bernie and Sid but it is almost impossible to listen to Sid solo.
  • Naperville Matt
    Rich Lowry
    Big White Sox fan. Love Tim Anderson. Donaldson comments were fair game, not racist. That’s silly. Also Rich Lowry is the best. Chuck Todd, good riddance! We hardly knew ye.
  • Rick924
    Dynamic Duo
    So glad Bernie is sounding strong again, wishing you the very best, both Sid and Bernie are huge talents by themselves but when their together Wow! Great entertainment and informative. Love SIds slapstick comedy, he cracks me up. I’ve been listening to these guys since Imus, been with them from beginning on their own and highly recommend them.
  • Uncle Al the kiddies pal
    These guys are hilarious!
    Top notch guests. Love this show.
  • retired guy 15
    Great morning radio show
    Bernie you are awesome keep up the great 👍 work.
  • Dee and Iggie
    The Best Radio Show
    Love your show! You tell it like it is. Thanks for being there for all of us. Our prayers are with Bernie.
  • stupid mormon
    Vulgar Sid
    Sid is a vulgar narcissist a no talent show host that laughs at his own creepy jokes
  • bernie abd sid
    Where’s Bernie? We need Bernie 😰
  • Cm in the pm
    Terrible music/ Imus was a “music guy” Lack of talent, plenty of ego
  • Harvey1d03b
    Used to be good. Bernie seems to be just mailing it in for a while now. Sid overbearing and more obnoxious each day. Same old tired guests. Bo, the Housewives, Pete King. Let’s try Curtis and Russ here on a permanent basis.
  • drwlife
    Praying for Bernie!
    Praying for our great friend Bernard! Praying for you too, Sid 😇 Thursday afternoons will never be the same to me ….and sadly, to many of us! doug wisdom
  • BravesFan134
    Stay away without Bernie
    Any episode with just Sid, just skip that episode. It’s a couple of hours just talking about himself and usually bad guest. Other than that it’s a pretty good show
  • Bitethebigapple
    SID’s self promotion podcast
    Stop with the shameless self promotion. It’s tiresome.
  • cartiran
    Garbage In Garbage Out
    These two are the lowest most racist pieces of garbage on the radio. African-Americans need to boycott this racist team of radio fools. They are a disgrace!
  • jcamp6890
    5 stars but Sid gotta work on that J-nose whistle
  • FJDorsey
    Sid is a moron
    1 star rating everyday he calls someone stupid for not taking the Vax. He has no knowledge and admits he only did it to do what he wants to do. Selfish Puss.
  • Stephan Zweig
    Simply the best!
    Thank you WABC and Mr. Cats for this wonderful show!
  • PLB23
    Need more & better interviews
    Enjoy more interviews with liberal & conservative viewpoints & authors, sports figures, entertainment etc. Less “contests”!
  • mochi180
    Love the show
    I live in Southern California and get up every morning at 3:30 to listen to Bernie and Sid. They’re very entertaining, smart and provide us with a breath of fresh air and common sense reporting. I wish Bernie would do more of his infamous characters like the “cardinal” and others. Great job, guys. Keep up the good work!
  • Where is Hunter?
    Curtis for mayor
    These guys are awesome individually so just imagine how great they are together! Sid knows already how great he is... I wish Bernie acted a little less humble. They are funny and Brotherly. You must listen to understand.
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