The Fr. Mike Schmitz Catholic Podcast


Faith, pop culture, and headline reflections from Fr. Mike Schmitz.

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Recent Reviews
  • Prayer for life
    Has helped so much
    Can’t not even go into detail on how good this podcast is! Fr. Mike is such a great priest!
  • Spiritedkmh
    One President pardon his son and another President a short time later pardon people who tried to overthrow the Capital - mentioning one was a great disservice to the real message you were trying to convey. It was intentional to mention one President but it should have been just as intentional to mention the other. When you live the Bible, God is the judge not the people including the Catholic Church!
  • jhsgmcghfdyj
    Staple in my every day routine!
    Father Mike has changed my life with every single one of his podcasts. Not just these short little entertaining ones, but all of the others. I recently listened to him reviewing the new movie, wicked. I was debating whether my family and I should watch it, he really helped me make my decision, (which was no-lol) I’m so thankful for every single podcast! Thank you, Father! Jesus loves you all! 💗
  • Cfrederic2J
    I love Father Mike.
  • dlrmb
    Kudos to you!
    Appreciate the Wicked review! Hard to push back against culture but when good and evil get watered down, the lines get blurry.
  • Slider1947
    So Much Good Packed In Quickly
    Thank you Fr. Schmitz for focusing on our everyday life, joys and troubles. We need these conversations. Have a blessed day.
  • Rootiekazoo
    Merry Christmas 2023
    To the best of the best, yes everyone worldwide. May there be peace and unity in 2024. May your will be done, sweet Jesus. Happy Birthday! Thanks for loving us first. We love you. Amen. 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻. LOL, now you got me crying Fr. Mike-eee…on that episode. Thanks for the joyful tears Fr. Mike/eee 😄. Wanna watch that movie, yay! ❤️❤️❤️ 😄😄😄🙏🏻🥲for when I am weak, he is strong… 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻. What was it called Cabrini? Gonna look her up…😆 Took a video of my Momma the other day and she’s watching some Elvis video and says “I remember watching a girl respond to an Elvis video and she said there is the King, and Momma said Elvis responded I am not the King, Jesus is…” 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 The video is up for auction… 😂 Darn, Jesus took another one of Momma’s son’s home just prior to Thanksgiving 2024. Please pray for our family, the sixth of thirteen children she will now bury. God’s plan not ours. He’s just getting the party ready “Lord willing we are graced with that honor…to get through those pearly gates.” RIP bro. We love you forever and evermore. R.I.P. 🙏🏻🕊️☮️
  • Allastar11
    Great for Sharing
    Father Mike provides incredible insight on the teachings of God and Tradition of the church. These are great episodes to share with our brothers and sisters - Catholic, Christian, or non practicing!
  • x3 laurennnn81
    Thank you for this!
    As someone who is relearning how to be catholic and be more in touch with my faith, I really appreciate this podcast. It’s so good. It’s like I have a relationship with a priest where I can ask him anything, anytime. It’s all here. Every question I have seems to be answered. Thanks for blessing us with your time and insight
  • Minnesota.Mama
    Criticism vs. Admiration
    Thank you Fr. Mike for this podcast! What a great message- one I definitely needed to hear today. Thank you for sharing your gifts with us!
  • safesafesafesafssafe
    so good :)
    This podcast is so digestible and lively. I love how Fr. Mike makes faith so engaging
  • demiaus
    Never fails
    So grateful for Fr Mike and this podcast. This episode like ones before has never failed to help me keep focus on the lord our God.
  • mpdisano
    Easy and Deep
    Father Mike is amazing! This quick, easy and digestible podcast is a great listen. It’s short but surprisingly deep and provides good reflection.
  • lfmahoney
    A Catholic Revolution
    Father Mike you are waking up the world - one word at a time. You have such a gift and by sharing your love for God, your faith, and for your fellow man you are changing the lives of millions of people. God bless you! 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏✝️💟🛐
  • dcfjff
    Just So Great
    I am going into Confirmation soon and your episode was such a help. I do love how you make them short so I can still learn and enjoy this podcast while taking in little bits. And if I want more I can just listen to another episode! There are 400+!
  • Veronica H3
    Choose to cooperate
    Father Mike has such a gift with analogies in explaining our Catholic faith to people like me who want to grow in the faith but don’t know how. The shower and rain coat/umbrella analogy is true genius! God’s grace is abundantly given if only we allow him to shower it upon us. Lord God, shower your grace upon all of us because we all need it! Veronica
  • Closing Up
    Extending Grace
    First - I had to remove “The Way” fish off my vehicle not because of how I drive, but how I often reacted to (annoying!) inexperienced or distracted drivers. My responses were often a terrible witness to my children and the other driver. Work in progress. Second, whenever I mentally pointed my finger at another, Father and I would get into a strength match as He wrestled to turn my judgment (mental finger pointing) back onto me. Oh, did I often fight Him. These days, He just needs to say my name, Mary, and I receive His correction as a blessing and love. No more need to wrestling my self righteousness from the throne. Its a place I have no business nor right to sit. And I’m am very happy with my Father gently wrestling His rightful place from me.
  • SASsyslays
    This Podcast has been such a blessing to me. I hope Fr. Mike can continue to do what he does. And I hope you find this podcast a blessing as well. Listen to the one about FOMO. It has changed my perspective on it.
  • KC Neal
    More Needed!
    I find these very helpful, timely and always meaningful. I just wish he could do them more! I love all of his pods and he has had a great, positive impact on my life.
  • Catholic_lover-🥰
    Confirmation saints!
    I would love if you talk about girls picking a male confirmation saint
  • Jazzcatjt
    Father Mike Schmitz is amazing
    I’ve been a lapsed Catholic for some time, but listening to The Bible in a Year podcast and I’ll be starting Catechism in a Year in 2024. I’ll also be listening to The Bible in a Year podcast in 2024 as well, Father Mike has brought me completely back to my Catholic faith.i also absolutely love his Acension presents podcasts. I listened to several today and the one that truly touched my heart is When God doesn’t answer your prayers. My husband, Mark, passed away on January 21st. I prayed, got in my knees and begged God not to take him from me, please save him. God didn’t, but you know what? It was the right thing to do for Mark. He had congestive heart failure. He got Covid and fought that and beat it. Then he had pneumonia that wasn’t discovered when he first went into the hospital. He was at physical rehabilitation center because he fell twice and injured his back. He got Covid there and his cardiologist believed he got pneumonia there. He rallied and was transferred to a Cardiac step down unit. He did good for a few days then he had a heart attack. We were just talking and next thing I know I’m yelling g for a nurse she comes in, called a code blue and sent me to the waiting area. It took twenty minutes to bring him back. All that time I’m praying for God to save Mark. They did but he was on a ventilator.. he went back to the critical care unit. An X-ray then showed he also had influenza and his blood pressure would not stay up. That is why he went from the physical rehabilitation center to the hospital, his blood pressure would not stabilize. I now knew it was time to let him go. A few days later when the doctors assured me there was nothing more they could do Mark was moved to the palliative or they call it comfort care ward. I stayed overnight with him so he wouldn’t be alone. I talked to him, he was already in a coma, but I know they can hear us. The following day his two brothers and his mother came to the hospital. Mark had been on oxygen and the nurse asked me if they could take him off as it would help him to let go and pass peacefully. As hard as it was I did. They have a final morphine shot . We all took turns saying goodbye then I laid in the bed with Mark, my head on his chest. I was hugging him when he took his last breath. I knew God had given me time to accept that Mark was not goi g to get better and come home. I’m glad he was there to help me make that decision to let Mark go. I miss him every day, but I know he is better off and his in Heaven. I’m sorry this is such a long review, but I had to share that after just now listening to Father Mike’s podcast on God not always answering prayers many times he has reasons for not doing so. I never got mad at God, I’m grateful he guided me to make the right decision when the time came. I love this podcast with Father Mike these have also deepened my faith and trust in God.
  • St. James 40
    Wonderful way to spend some time
    Father Mike, through this podcast, the Bible and Catechism in a Year podcasts helps to educate and spread the good news of Christ. I have learned so much of my faith as a Catholic and Fr. Mike never sounds condescending, or talking down to us. His own admissions of “coming up short” actually inspires me to try and do better everyday I’m given.
  • claymaster1112
    You R awesome
    This guy makes me laugh a lot! But makes a great point about faith and obstacles. I love this guy!!😁
  • gtcrawford
    Love hearing how to live my faith a little more fully. Little snippets of knowledge. Thank you
  • Chris.k.fitch
    New Comer
    Spiritual infant! Grew up without a father and mother was not around much. I was raised by vanity and my own view of being a man and a father. To say the least, I don’t know how to be a father or a husband. But Father Schmitz is leading the way and I’m eagerly following our Lord through the words of Father Schmitz! Currently in RCIA and looking forward to being confirmed.
  • Crow negro
    If only he could talk a little bit slower that would make it perfect. When I slow it down to 75% it sounds like he is drunk, which I think is actually funny But regardless, his impact will be historic, unquestionably. For that I am forever grateful.
  • paddysuz
    Fr. Mike is outstanding
    Fr Mike is the strong shepherd that we need in the US. I wish we could have a million more like him.
  • Helping the Church
    Your Pastor needs your help episode
    Great episode about how you can help the church. I feel a lot of people want to and have so much to contribute, but are not sure how. That is how I was. I took a different approach and joined the Knights Of Columbus instead of going straight to our Pastor. Which is great, not only do I work with our Pastor, but I have all my brothers as mentors. It would be great to hear you talk about the knights on your podcast. I really like to hear your input and maybe give others an idea of who the knights are and if joining the knights would be something that would be a calling for them. Keep doing what you’re doing and God bless.
  • Dsmonteith
    Needed Encouragement
    I am thankful for this wonderful dose of weekly encouragement. I’m a baptist but I follow a couple different podcasts with Fr. Mike because his teaching is relevant, timely and presented in a way that makes scripture easy to understand and absorb. And for someone who is hungry for the word of God and a closer relationship with Christ, his podcasts are a wonderful thing.
  • Jensready
    Thank you!
    Fr. Mike you do a wonderful job talking about the things that are important and relevant. Thank you!
  • Cadet Rowe
    Episode Request
    Fr. Mike, could you explain why language is so important and why cussing is sinful in an episode? This is an important lesson in our world today that people don’t think about.
  • Gods will in everything
    Thanks giving for Father Mike
    Thank you so very much to God for such a beautiful priest. I am also asking for prayers for my family. My sister’s 32 year old son his children Dakota 17, Jack 10, and 8 year old Delilah died when Dakota fell asleep and hit a big rock and flipped into the Snake River near Riggings Idaho. They were not found till the next afternoon . As you can imagine my sister and brother in law and their 34 year old daughter are beyond devastated. I would a really appreciate prayers regular send out to ever pray chain. The Miller family Thank you in Gods peace and Grace, Sherry
  • Netabeer
    Love listening to Father Mike
    I am not Catholic but I love listening to this (and other) podcasts by Father Mike. I went back to the beginning and started listening for my daily dose of inspiration. It’s a great way to start my day.
  • keapo19
    What a Gift 💙
    I’m amazed at Father Mike’s calling for this generation! Bible in a Year, Catechism in a Year, and his personal podcast is a pilgrimage in itself in the Christian faith! Father Mike’s podcasts are a treasure of faith and truth for our times. I’m so thankful for them!
  • HMHuntley
    Great podcast
    I’m not even catholic, I’m a Protestant Christian and I find this podcast very interesting. I find the catholic beliefs to be very interesting, even if we don’t agree on absolutely everything, this is a wonderful podcast
  • OrangeSkye22
    One of the best podcasts out there!
    Love this podcast! Fr. Mike is blessed with the ability to simply, clearly, and kindly convey teachings of the Catholic Church. I am grateful for him being authentic and considerate in his explanations but also not backing away for challenging situations. He has been a lifeline for feeling connected to Catholic teaching through many phases of my life. The less than 10min rule for most of his podcasts is also very convenient.
  • Trish435
    Reaching the broken places
    Father Mike, I have been listening to you for several years now and it never fails that when I’m wrestling with something in my heart and soul you are right there in this weekly podcast to speak clearly and beautifully to that very issue and bring me so much closer to God’s heart and what He expects of us. Through your words not only do I find direction and clarity in this podcast but have grown to love Jesus so much. Thank you for everything you do (BIY, CIY, daily homilies and this weekly podcast). It is making a huge difference to so many of us in helping us know and love God more and more. You are a treasure to our beloved Church and I pray that God continues to pour His grace on you. God bless you always, Pat
  • rabbit_lover_Moose
    Thank you Fr. Mike!!
    I absolutely love your podcast! You are such an amazing person! My whole family loves listening to you!!😊 Father, you are hilarious, but even better, you help me understand Catholicism even better! Love you!!😁 God Bless y’all!
  • Scottymaz17
    Most beautiful podcast today! Father Mike is Amazing. God bless!
  • TDawgyDogg
    Entertaining and Easy to Understand
    Fr. Mike Schmitz, You’ve nailed this show! As a young person of faith trying to find his way and seek out the answers, you make my journey possible! Your insight is incredible, and your joy is unbelievable. You’ve been my go-to Religious podcast! You’re never judgmental or condescending, treating everyone’s questions and concerns with equal passion, but you still speak the truth! Fr. Mike Schmitz is wonderful if you want to learn about the Catholic faith in bite-sized, relatable pieces. Would highly recommend! This show can change your life. It has changed mine and helped me recognize God when I need Him most.
  • Jerry Cunningham
    Personality Disorder
    Antisocial Personality Disorder, not borderline personality disorder. Anti means against society. If you are antisocial, then you are against rules of society and the people in society. Sometimes it leads to sociopathic behaviors and in rarer cases it will be psychopaths. Love the podcast
    So helpful
    Nice common sense approach to matters of faith. Practical advice. No condescension.
  • Tiffani Seaton
    Concise guidance from Fr. Mike
    Fr. Mike does it again! THANK YOU! Your energy and love for God are inspiring.
  • Tcsnorcross
    Concise, well spoken guidance on issues that effect us all
    Father Mike’s videos are quick, but always seem both timely and timeless. Infused with humor but mostly full of wisdom, guidance and always presented through the lens of a Christ filled life.
  • Living.Life.And.Loving.It
    Wonderful snippets of advice
    I just listened to the episode about staying the course. I know Fr Mike Schmitz is working with the younger generation but these little snippets he does on this podcast are so beneficial to me even as a 51 year old! In this episode he talked about knowing whether it’s time to change course. His words are so powerful - “if God wants you to change course, He will let you know it’s time to change course in a way you can’t miss.” And further Fr Mike Schmitz says, “never make a life changing decision in the middle of desolation.” So powerful for me in my life even as a 51 year old who is discerning changes. Thank you Fr Mike Schmitz!
  • Miss Andrea 101
    Little Mermaid podcast
    Father Mike Schmitz brings up an important point that we need to surround ourselves with proper narratives, music, etc., because what we’re surrounded by will shape our perceptions and our lives. He brings up that the original stories of “The Little Mermaid” (her selfish wishes and actions put everyone in danger, and the story ends up with the Little Mermaid being rejected by the human man) and “The Jungle Book” (revenge of the animals after the village rejects Mowgli) were changed when told by Disney. The Disney versions are upbeat but aren’t really faithful to cause-and-effect.
  • chrissiepw
    Food for thought….
    Father Mike, you have wonderful messages to teach, but you talk too quickly and erratically for my taste. Instead of being able to concentrate on your words, your tenor and tempo tend to make me very anxious. I know that is how God made you, but I think I’ll have to find another podcast….I need to ponder these tenets slowly and prayerfully.
  • 10000 stepper
    I went back to 2016
    I am listening to every one. These r gems of wisdom -fresh perspectives Thank you Father Mike and Ascension Press for all Your time and efforts I pray for u Please pray for all of us
  • gamer girl puzzle
    Thanks fr mike!!!
    I love your podcast! I so great to listen to anytime and a great way to clear your mind and connect with God!!!!
  • Plmartone
    Converting a baptist preachers daughter
    Father Mike placed me on a journey that has changed me and my life as a baptist preachers daughter. I am still converting and praise the Lord everyday for Father Mike and ascension press! I am forever grateful for his faith to the priesthood and the Catholic Church.
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