Millionaires Unveiled

Business #169Investing #55

Millionaires Unveiled interviews and tells the stories of everyday millionaires. We provide detailed insight into their investing strategies and current portfolio allocation. How did they get started? What decisions did they make along the way? How has their portfolio allocation changed, and what are they doing now to not only keep, but also grow, their highly sought after "millionaire" status?From these extensive and thought provoking interviews, you'll be able to assess your current portfolio allocation, learn investing strategies, and join the fast track to financial success.

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Recent Reviews
  • ^^^butters39*******
    Keep up the great amazing work with the interviews
  • eureka residents
    Really getting ridiculous
    These episodes are really getting so short sighted and unhelpful. The last two for example are from young “investors” who apparently are millionaires from real estate investments when in fact they are creatively leveraged to the hilt in what is really just a house of cards. This is not inspiring nor helpful. Becoming a sustainable millionaire takes hard work and time. You are really doing a disservice by highlighting this type of facade. I used to find this podcast interesting, now it’s a joke.
  • Nick from WVU
    What I was looking for
    Been looking for a podcast that interviews real world people who have achieved wealth through all means. I personally have a real estate rental business with a lot invested in index funds. These are realistic examples. Hosts do a great job in letting guests speak and they ask the right questions.
    Nov 12th Episode
    Good gracious, why publish this episode? Cant hear anything - sounds like he was speaking from a cave.
  • Felixh7
    Guide to wealth
    This is hands down the best podcast I’ve ever listened to! As someone who didn’t grow up with money and has struggled to build wealth, this podcast is a game-changer. I’m like a Dave Ramsey fan who needed to evolve. After hearing a few episodes, I decided to go all the way back to the first one and work my way through. I’m currently on episode 252 and just found out Clark left the show—heartbreaking! 🥹
  • J5098
    Great content, but technical issues
    I love the content, but recently there have been issues like overlapping audio, repeat clips, and large volume differences between the host and guest. It could help to QA a few seconds before publishing.
  • MusicalFan34
    Interesting show
    Show is evolving but good
  • onetimetogo
    Where did the other new cohost go???
    you introduced a new cohost and then he just disappeared. Can you please Inform your audience as to what happened.
  • allthesame2me
    Riggs #373
    Does Riggs even have any money? Seems a little sketchy
  • REWealthCreator
    Great show and insights. Don't let the haters get to you.
    Bottom line is that everyone has a different strategy to build wealth. I like how the show doesn't promote or criticize any approach - they just let their guests tell their stories. Maybe just put a disclaimer upfront for those listeners who are complaining. Personally, I love the unfiltered content.
  • Ceejay621
    Lacks Integrity
    This concept has incredible potential and there have been some great guests, however many, especially lately are just promoting their own get rich quick schemes and are allowed to fear monger and spread lies on things like the stock market, 401k or say things like the 4% rule was debunked a long time ago and so on. All while the hosts don’t even make an attempt to probe, ask any follow up question or ask them to cite sources.
  • Sierra Leona
    Red Flags
    I have noticed the decline in quality of the podcast but lately they’ve started promoting people who are running schemes which I feel is irresponsible. The last guest called 401K’s and Investing in the stock market a scam. They then proceed to talk about using whole life policies to build wealth. The guest also happens to have a company that shows you how to buy these policies. The biggest problem of all is when guests say things like real estate and 401K’s are scams the hosts never push back or ask clarifying questions. I can’t listen anymore.
  • Chris the listener
    Fast paced and informative!
    Excellent podcast that provides insights into the mindsets and actions that led people to their millions. Lots of surprises and I’ve learned there is no one way to do it. Jace does a great job with the questions and exploring deeper into important areas. Love the rapid fire questions at the end.
  • mike2me17
    Sounds like a scam
    Have listened for awhile but I’ve been frustrated by the regular guests who hate on 401k and stock market investments. Calling them “proven false” and “gambling” is just blatant scare tactics and shows a true lack of understanding. Most guests seem to have gotten lucky in the recent real estate valuation increase over the past 5 years. I’m happy for them, but regularly implying that is the only way to retire is derivative and wrong. Can we move away from what sounds like TikTok ads from bros please?
  • Meonline28542
    “Female” guests too! /s
    Rather turned off by the multiple show descriptions of “female radiologist”, “divorced female” etc. Shockingly there don’t appear to be any “male” guests, or at least they don’t need their biological sex disclosed ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  • Curiosity17
    Great podcast!
    Have listened for several years and always learn something.
  • pizza eater no 1
    Zero Stars
    Hosts should do some vetting of the guests. The Day Trader on Episode 354 is apparently running a scam and has a BBB rating of F. Other guests apparently on the show, using it as an infomercial. Beware, this isn’t useful information.
  • Colonel Roosevelt
    Great show!… but room for improvement
    I have been listening to the show for years and really enjoy it! With that said, the show seems to have gone through some changes recently (good and bad). On the positive side, Jace’s wife Stacy has been a great add to the show. Their intros and their overall dynamic together is great to listen to. On the negative side, the level of detail and questions for the guests seems to have taken a step backwards. I enjoy understanding the details of the guests true net worth (not a wide range estimate), their financial allocations, details about their career, age, salary, etc. While the general format of show has stayed the same, it feels like we find out less and less detail about the guests. Everything is more high-level and has gone from Millionaires unveiled vs. Millionaires “partially” unveiled. I know there’s been some other recent negative reviews. Hopefully this review is not seen as “hate”. I’m a huge fan and love listening, just would like to see the level of questions return to where they once were. Still giving it 5 stars as it remains one of my favorite podcasts to listen to.
  • BLew321
    Better questions please
    Love the guests and concept which is why I keep listening -- but please ask better questions and follow up questions! You’ve got a guy we’ve never heard of who’s claiming to have a $350m net worth but barely skim the surface of his story. Seems like host is just going through a list of questions he wrote down without even listening to the guest’s answers. He just says “that’s interesting” then moves on to the next question. Didn’t even ask what the guys accident was after he teased it for 5 straight minutes. Study Tim Ferriss and other good interviewers. Hoping it improves!
  • Avid listener33
    The shows quality is definitely declining and the host disregarded Listeners concerns… lack vision here.
  • why nickname this is dumb
    Weekly Financial Motivation During My Long Runs
    I’m a new listener to the podcast and I thoroughly enjoy hearing the experiences of different everyday millionaires each week. I’m training for a marathon in April so I often listen to several episodes at once while I’m logging 10, 15, 20 miles at once. Thanks for keeping me company on my long runs and for keeping me motivated towards achieving my family’s financial goals. I hope to be a guest of the podcast in the next 7-10 years! 😉
  • cdz64?7$89$;
    Unfortunately going downhill very quickly!
    I’ve been a long time listener dating back years. In fact this used to be my #1 podcast. Unfortunately it has been steadily declining with awkward banter in the intro and guests interviews are not engaging. Last week the episode just stopped in the middle and was never even fixed!? Is anyone paying attention???
  • LJB :)
    This podcast has gotten so lazy. It’s low quality, there’s zero production, and the host won’t even re-record the Shopify ad that he stumbled through. That tells me everything I need to know: this podcast won’t ever get back to what it was before the other dude left.
  • Alrdy Taken
    Never miss an episode
    I’ve been a long time listener and enjoy the content very much. Wish Jace would include household income information. Seems to have gotten away from that question while it was consistently included in older episodes.
  • MattyPattie
    Fun listen
    I started listening to this podcast recently but have consumed a lot of their content. I like the host’s ability to remain fairly neutral and let the guest tell their story. He doesn’t make judgement even when you can sense the guest is looking for confirmation on what they have done. I particularly like to find episodes with new millionaires so that I have stories to relate to. And looking forward to hearing from people with larger portfolios later. I tend to skip the episodes with military personnel. I was surprised to learn many guests have gotten rich the boring/vanilla way.
  • Colindro "THE DAMAGER"
    I love this podcast. The people are so real and generally so low-key about their success. It’s inspiring and educational to hear all of their stories. I do wish the hosts would ask guests directly about their parents net worth, careers, and education; because I think some guests are able to take risks or get educations because their parents are a backstop for them even if they end up succeeding on their own terms. Overall great show and I am so grateful to be able to learn from so many other’s journeys. Thank you Jace and Stacey!
  • M Hons
    Key question
    Love the show, but often times missing a key question to ask the millionaires. That is their age. It is hard to understand their back background when you don’t know their age. Love everything else about the show! Thank you!
  • Binka51
    Just LOVE, your podcast… Congratulations on you and your wife expecting twins… How exciting! I have listened to the podcast from the beginning -and please keep up the great work!
  • Walloon Cap
    Many Ways to Win
    Love the unique paths to financial success. Recent episode with Bryan was best of the year. I could have listened to his story for another hour.
  • CMoney451
    A Must Listen
    Absolutely incredible podcast, I use this for my daily commute. Really appreciate the work you guys do and look forward to being on the show some day!
  • CPA dad
    Great content!
    Very inspirational and in-depth podcasts. I love hearing the success stories of others. We need to hear more about how to make it rather than focus on failures or what’s lacking. It’s refreshing to hear how wealth is achieved in many different ways. As a early 50’s corporate professional that has rentals and stock, I can relate to many of these stories, I use this podcast to gauge my progress and learn new ways to guide my kids to wealth.
  • Freedom_1776
    Haven’t missed an episode
    This is an insightful podcast allowing successful individuals to tell their own unique stories. Although we miss Clark, Jace and team have continued on. Stacy adds great energy and perspective in recent episodes. Thank you for this encouraging forum!
  • Alechi11
    Too much small talk
    Why is the host going on and on and on about her trip to Nashville for almost 10 minutes? Am here to listen to the actual content of the show and not her vacation.
  • Sarah!!♥
    Love this podcast!
    Always learn something new! It’s a great podcast!
  • TardScar
    Mostly good info
    The hosts do a great job. I appreciate the updates on financial subjects at the beginning of episodes, that I otherwise may have missed while not keeping up with the news. I would like to hear many more episodes with older guests: 50+, approaching retirement or already retired, who can impart wisdom from years of experience. I would like to hear less from 20 and 30 somethings who think they have it all figured out. Overall, good show.
  • Patar91
    Something for Everyone
    This podcast tells fantastic stories that show that any person can become a millionaire regardless of where they started in life as long as they’re willing to work hard and learn. It’s a weekly dose of inspiration that keeps me motivated to continue my own financial journey. With so many perspectives, it’s nice to hear that there are different ways to get to where I want to go.
  • DS Massey
    Best Podcast to keep me Focused on my Goals
    Awesome Podcast to keep me on track to my goal of becoming a millionaire. Wish I would have found it earlier. Keeps me focused and on track!! Keep up the Great Work!!
  • GMBrianHC
    Easy 5*
    I learn something new from each show. Concise, professional and compassionate, Jace -and co-hosts always deliver. Here's to many many more shows!
  • JBeadle3
    Has become my favorite personal finance podcast
    Nothing will more open your eyes to the many ways to wealth and financial freedom than this show. The addition of Stacy (host’s wife) has added value in my opinion. While she doesn’t ask many questions, they often take the conversation in new, interesting directions.Guests are mostly well spoken and seem to enjoy sharing their unique journeys.
  • tmflag
    Inspiring and valuable
    This is easily one of my favorite podcasts. It features the most interesting stories from people like me- average yet hard-working. As a newer everyday millionaire myself, I love listening to these stories but I do tend to skip over the multi millionaires with extremely high incomes or excessive status, as I just don’t relate to them. Luckily this podcast features a little bit for everyone. Keep up the good work. And please tell the Garbageman to get that money out of Edward Jones and find a fiduciary quick! I love hearing what he has accomplished and I don’t wanna see him waste a penny giving it to someone else.
  • CyPower34
    Phenomenal podcast
    Phenomenal podcast! Love listening to all the stories and how the different millionaires made their money. Keeps me motivated and on track. Thanks for continuing to turn out great podcasts!
  • OMY to FI
    Always enjoy these episodes
    Always great episodes. This is my favorite podcast. I just finished the ones with your parents - very sweet; much enjoyed.
  • r4drk
    Great concept
    Been listening since the beginning and the less Jace talks the better. He doesn’t ask good follow up questions and he’s so dry. He introduced Brad as a new cohost and he was a breath of fresh air and brought energy where Jace lacks but who knows what happened to him. Jace needs to bring some energy, ask good follow up questions, and clarify for the listeners who is cohosting. His wife is great. Let her speak more.
  • bamatrader
    I Love this show!
    Jace, you have done a great job to keep this going without Clark. Keep Stace. The chemistry between you two is fantastic! She asks great questions and I love the female perspective. 5 stars!
  • TB 1492
    Absolutely Spectacular!
    I throughly enjoy this podcast! Incredible content! The hosts are great and I really enjoy the new guest hosts. Each episode is like reading another chapter of The Millionaire Next Door. It is genuinely amazing to hear how many different paths to wealth there are and how everyone approaches it differently. I started on a few episodes in 2022, but then went back to episode 1 and have caught up to episode 299 and highly recommend the same! Other podcasts sometimes don’t publish often enough and I constantly come back to this one and was sad when I got caught up to the current week. Please keep up the incredible work!
    The best money podcast
    This is by far my favorite podcast! I like it because there is such a variety of guests. It proves that there is more than one way to become a millionaire. It a breath of fresh air compared to others that preach the one and way to become a millionaire.
  • generalqt
    Net worth or total assets?
    Hi, new to the podcast and I really appreciate the great work and content. Question - is “net worth” here really total value of assets? For ex, Stu the firefighter who owns several properties that all have mortgages on them not owned outright, his figure is total value of assets correct? Thanks for what you both put into the show!
  • haws987
    Interesting real world insights
    This podcast is unique and interesting. So many others try to convey the same hackneyed lessons about saving and investing. This podcast brings you real world approaches implemented by a diversity of people with different careers, salaries, and approaches. It keeps the listener interested as every episode is different and every guest has been successful implementing their own unique approach towards building wealth. The lightening round of questions at the end is always fun to hear the responses. Great job podcasters.
  • Blacksburg VA
    A personal finance podcast that doesn’t get old!
    There are a lot of financial podcasts that all start to sound similar after listening to several of them. They rehash the same ideas over and over. This one is different. Even if there are people that are interviewed that have taken similar paths to their financial successes, they have started in different places, and they have different stories. Thank you!
  • 1jtaz535
    Variety of ways to become a millionaire
    Not your cookie cutter show with people promoting their products or websites. True millionaires and soon to be millionaires sharing the ways that helped them grow. No gimmick here!
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