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ajz035Great patriotYour podcast is listened to each day and I love the content. It’s important you send your ideas from todays Monday September 9 th show to the Trump staff they are all brilliant. Tomorrows debate will be one of the most important watched events on TV. President TrumpJD Vance team has the support by many great Americans to save this country.
carriecamarilloBest podcast ever!!DML I so enjoy your podcasts, especially this one where you could’ve lost your life and your children’s lives as well what a journey you three had to endure thank you so much for sharing that!! I listen every day I really respect you I really enjoy your products thank you! ❤️❤️❤️❤️ Dennis, you are an amazing man so intelligent so much fun to listen to I will pray for you we will all pray for you and thank you for opening your heart to all of us would you have done each and every day you are loved Dennis❤️❤️❤️❤️ Best podcast thank you so much stick with your alternative doctor do not go to the conventional doctors they took an oath to do no harm but they do so much harm now stick with Dr. Collins your adult children are absolutely amazing you’ve done a phenomenal job congratulations Dennis what great adults Today, Denny ran the show format. He did an amazing job. What a great kid you have, Dennis Michael Lynch. Dennis today is September 4. I just tried to sign up for your newsletter and google blocked me but I was able to get it through DuckDuckGo. This is unbelievable how you’re being censored.
Tanya5LFavorite PoscastThe DML podcast is my favorite! So informative and uncensored (which is hard to find these days)! Thanks for keeping us all up to speed!
MaxestaxesWell, now I know!Friends have been talking about podcasts for a while. I really had no idea what they were talking about until I discovered this one. I honestly had no idea! I'm older and have trouble keeping up with this stuff, but once I found you, I was hooked and every day you're my source of valuable information that I forward onto to others. Keep it up.! You're doing more good than you realize.👍
NVKillyGOD’S HONEST TRUTHDML has been my “GO-TO” for daily news, a pick-me-up to make me laugh, a good friend for advise on life’s issues and I trust his 6th sense when it comes to his predictions. BUT ABOVE ALL, I TRUST HE WILL TELL ME THE ACTUAL TRUTH!
S/W/E/NTruth-telling, logically based news!DML, Denny, and Ryan, have a wonderful truth based, fat based, unbiased news! I have been following DL since 2015 when he was in Newsmax. Sometimes, may not like what he has to say, but the truth is sometimes also difficult to hear. He gives us the tools so that we can be intellectually and that I’m always grateful. Keep it up DML and family! Thank you for all you do!
Jody1133DML podcastLove DML and his family! The podcast is amazing and I have learned so much from them! Thank you for all you do, I truly appreciate the work you all put into the podcast, it is informative and entertaining!:)
Jamie DVegasThank you!!!Thank you for calming my anxiety about all the things of this world by giving us the truth. I have been listening to you since 2017. My family listens to your podcasts everyday or as much as we can.
J SoboPodcastsI have been following DML since 2016. 5 stars definitely!
FadeihtHonestI’ve been listening to DML since 2015. He’s been spot on with almost everything since then. Follow him. He tells you everything you need to know to have an informed conversation with anyone.
toofgirl10Love this podcastI found the show a few years ago while I’m maternity leave. I listen to it every single day and I’ve been a faithful listener ever since then. It’s a wonderful podcast with insightful commentary. It tells it how it is. And although sometimes things seem really bad, I always feel that there’s some hope after listening to this podcast podcast. and as others have mentioned, it really does make you feel like family and that there are other people who think like you and are going through the same struggles and worries, but we can get through it if we all stick together
;4:4LSPDML is honest and explains things so an average person like myself understands. I appreciate his time and effort.
Barbieplays4funUncensored TruthI love DML! I’ve followed him for years and he is the only news source that speaks the hard core truth. He communicates so clearly to the people and makes you feel part of the conversation with his “walk n talks”. He’s a man fighting for our country. Thank you Dennis!
Dml and co ROCKLong time fanI’ve listened to your since I was 32 nearly ten years now . I am a huge fan you give it straight, you know your stuff, I feel like we are family yet I never met you. Your voice and your family are familiar sounds that echo in my head
HaosmasterAccurate information the media hides from AmericaDML delivers facts that the media hides. He researches and provides information that even national conservative media won’t tell you.
MN 73TrumpWe did have a president, with polio, in a wheel chair during one of the worst days in our history!
KouklamooFantastic PodcastExcellent podcast featuring DML and his adult son, Denny. Together they discuss current events ranging from politics to relationships and everything between. Topics are always well researched, well articulated, and always interesting.
Rp2chilBest podcast Evah!Love DML podcasts. You get the truth and you’ll be the smartest one in the room.
JodyRobertsPodcastLove listening to your podcast
Ejp305Love your showPlease keep speaking the truth !!
Rememder the AlamoGot to always catch DMLMy GOD bless DML.
SmcpowellPrayersDML I began watching you in 2016. Respect you so much and I’m praying for God’s umbrella of protection. Praying for your health. America needs you. Stay strong, buddy and hold on to Jesus. He knows and he heals. Scottie Powell
kelleyvan#TruthbetoldHave been listening to DML since 2016. The only news worth listening to. Some things he says we may not like. He pulls no bull. Gives it to us straight. 🇺🇸
Trashlady5I’m the smartest person in the room…Because I listen to DML! He does the research and brings you the facts. His opinions are well thought out and justified. Although I don’t always agree, it gives me food for thought.
jay a aichDennis Michael Lynch podcastDennis‘s podcast are the absolute best, I don’t have much to choose from since that’s the only one I listen to because I don’t have to listen to any others. Keep up the good work the very survival of this nation depends on it.
ShrlygrlThe real truth behind the messageDennis Michael Lynch continues to share the honest truth about major issues in our country and how it affects almost every aspect of our lives. His podcasts inform, reveal, and give a comprehensive understanding of what this country is facing. Dennis’s eye opening views, insight and opinions are based on years of his real time experiences. You will not want to miss what MSM can not offer you. Thank you, DML, for keeping us informed on the pulse of America!
SCMarkoSanity!Thank you DML for bringing a sane and logical voice back! I follow your pages and listen daily! You have provided continuous well thought and true analysis of todays world, issues and happenings!
Sundrop 32One of My FavoritesGreat Podcasts. Real news. Excellent CBD products❤️❤️❤️
help the USADMLnews appThe Truth and nothing but the truth where you like it or not!
Marie a DiehlPodcastLove listening to his views. One of my favorite podcasts.
SuzP90XThat doctor was an IDIOTDML handled that doctor well. He was an idiot. I wasted an hour of my life. Love DML but that’s doc was QUACK a DODDLE
rydfgfghhhjjjjGrateful in MissouriI’ve been listening for a while now, I appreciate all the real truth about people in Washington, Corporations & Companies. It is very hard to think I pay taxes to the Biden gang that is driving a real hatred wedge in America! Love how Dennis interviews people/workers/business owners that love our country and that wants to get the truth out. Dennis has a gift of pulling information out of people that we need to hear.
asmithlpMy Go To News Source!I have been a loyal follower of DML for over 6 years. His beliefs and values align so well with mine. I trust him to tell the truth and give it to me straight. These are such dark times in our. Ou try and we need like minded people to help us navigate this insanity. DML-you are the best and my day is not complete without you. Thank you for all you do. I have also been using your CBD for over two years!❤️
106kimeKim DAlways the truth…even when the truth isn’t what you want to hear! Enlightening information and down to earth common sense!
scams are anoyingI can’t believe I’m here!!Literally I felt like a giddy teenager the minute I saw his face show up the second I typed DML in the podcast search .I am so happy to be able to listen to this man whenever and as much as I want because I know the information that I listen to will be accurate and honest and not too mention your wise cracks have me in stitches most time. If you decided to read my review take it to heart cuz this man is what our world needs and people like him are a dying breed. Dennis if you happen to read this and I hope that you do, well I want you to know that I will be voting for you as president of the United States of America when your time comes. May Peace and love be with you always..
SchnzrlvrSimply the best!!Dennis always tells it like it is whether popular or not. Love his common sense take on important issues. Oh - and he has great hair. :-)
cindykMNThe bestWhat a great podcast ever day!!
Stephieb910Best of the BESTDavid Michael Lynch is phenomenal in his news reporting. He is informing America with the truth! Thank you so much. I trust DML to deliver the truth always!!! God bless you and your endeavors. Fight the fight until the end!!
Daga_5Best eye opener podcastsThank you Dennis for all the work you do!
Tamar RuthTells it Like it isThis has quickly become my favorite go to news source. I don’t need to mess around with mainstream news or sources that are biased. DML gets to the truth, plain and simple, will tell you the good, bad and ugly on every side. Truly appreciated!
BarbJane 52DMLI only listen to DML! He tells the truth! No other news compares to him! He makes me the smartest person in the room.
MN SnowstormKeep bringing the truth!I am a founding member of the Team DML. I rely on your honesty to help me maneuver through all the swamp sludge. Keep bringing it!
jeanetteingaGreat Source for the TruthThis is my absolute favorite place to hear the truth. Awesome job, Dennis! Love your podcasts.
BaldEagle333The DML PodcastThe best Podcast to listen to for the real facts. Download the DML App now from Apple for iPhone and Google for Android.
RockinR4DML is Awesome!I’ve been listening to DML for a few years now and he’s right on the money when it comes to reporting the news and what’s going on in Washington DC and the world of politics! When you listen to DML he’ll make sure you’re the “smartest person in the room.” Thank you DML!!!!!
mpb2525TrustworthyDennis Michael Lynch is my most trusted source for political and social analyses. I never miss a single podcast!
MommaP56DML 7/20/21I love listening to DML!
LshrosDML N.E.W.S. Podcasts are the is the only Real News Anyone can get. He exposes news the MSM and the liberal media is censoring. Dennis Micheal Lynch never spreads rumors or hides the truth. Dennis Micheal Lynch never lies to his listeners. His political insight is unequal to any other.
RobbyJ02809THE REAL FACTS!DML podcast and news app is the best thing to happen to our country. He provides the truth, the facts, and insight on American politics and the real social issues being forced upon the American people. If you truly love this beautiful country then you would like this podcast. Do not pollute your brain with mainstream media news. Shut it off and turn on DML you will see what Americas real issues are and how we can solve them together!
Old-fashioned valuesDennis Michael LynchDennis Michael Lynch hosts a great podcast. I always feel informed on the latest political news from a conservative standpoint. He is full of insight , truthful and honest. He often can spot a political move way before others see the trend. He’s very passionate and also entertaining.
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