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MBCal85Alison Sweet GrantYes, Alison makes a great guest and co-host. Bring her back. Great episode with her!
Surfergirl875Allison Grant for Co-host!After five years of devoted listening to every platform you engage in I didn’t think I’d feel compelled to write a review, but I almost pulled over to the side of the road to enthusiastically support the idea of Allison joining your Rethinking podcast. The silky smooth elegance of her speech belies the extraordinary strength of character she clearly developed throughout her life. As a resilience focused fan, I cannot wait to order her new book and to delight as she gains success altitude!!
teysterConversations with Allison, the AuthorSuper kind and generous. I loved hearing you two relate to each other, and also enjoyed Adam asking the encouraging questions that invited Allison to share more. My heart goes out to Allison for overcoming the hand childhood dealt to her. And I agree, I want to go back and pickup all her pencils and stick out my tongue at all the scaredy cats who just watched. It would be fun to have her back because she is obviously not afraid nor even hesitant to offer up her point of view, and she’s excellent at explaining her reasoning for it.
Christianna TLet her go firstI love this show and Adam and his guests always challenges me to reconsider my ideas and thoughts on so many topics. Adam, I challenge you to drive behind your wife. I will solve your problem with how fast to drive. My dad always taught me that he would follow behind my mom, my sister, or I any time he followed us. That way he knew we would arrive safe. Let her go first Adam.
dbftworthBatman and RobinIf I wrote a review every time I say to my self “gosh this show is amazing”, we would know each other personally. Adam you are incredible always and especially the show with Danny Meyer… it was so insightful and I don’t even work in hospitality or management in any regard. Just great life tips in this episode! Great job!
Rebecca Mullen CoachingThe One For AllThis is the podcast I recommend to everyone in my life. Adam’s ideas for how to rethink transcend subject matter. His ideas are simply a gift to your brain. You’ll rewire the way you see the world and you’ll be happier as a result.
kdayracingThe only podcast we needI can’t see enough good things about Adam, Grant, and the work he has put into this world. I have been a huge fan and resort back to his content almost on a daily basis. I appreciate the time and effort he puts into his work and bringing other, insightful people along with him, to share amazing information with all of us.
BJNovsDenise Hamilton ShowI really like the content on this pod and great to have the introduction to Denise. I was disappointed to hear you gloss over the DEI backlash without being honest about the real free suppression on college campuses related to those departments as they shut down any perspectives they don’t approve, especially since you have a front row seat at Penn! Otherwise, lots of great stuff here.
Jodie former CanadianLove Jen Garner!What an amazing substitute guest….funny, warm, super human! Thank you!
562LibbyInsightfulI LOVE this show and Adam Grant. I’m a therapist and this is one of my favorite shows to get good, solid, factual, humorous, kind, thoughtful, responsible, and interesting content/information. Thank you!
Jenlg28Always worthwhileI love this show. I always feel like I learn something productive, and at the same time it is entertaining and just feels real. I have listened for years, but felt compelled to write a review after the episode with Jennifer Garner. I have never enjoyed an interview more than this episode, imbued with such charm and wit. And the audience questions were such a great reminder of the questions and values that have brought so many of us to follow Adam across platforms.
GudehbewiuburwhbdyJennifer Garner is an antisemitewho is best friends with Mark Ruffalo. I was gravely disappointed to see you have her on especially in light of her recent antisemitism. I hope going forward, you will vet your guests and not give people who think Jews don’t have a right to live, a platform. Lost a fan 😢.
mrvalueadExcellent Content!Been a loyal listener for quite some time and has helped me become a better person. I highly recommend this #podcast ✅📱💪🏼🙌👊🏼🦾🌎💯
PaperbackWriter88Wish I could just get the work life episodes.I love Work Life! It’s a great well researched podcast that I always relate to. I hate the filler crap he puts out between seasons. Taken for granted/rethinking/celebrity interviews and tangentially related other podcasts. Hard pass. Gotta sorta weed through to get the good stuff in the feed now
AGfanbutnotBetterUpPodcast vs. Company AssociationI really love these podcasts as they always give me a new perspectives, ideas, and keep me alert in challenging my paradigms. I also enjoy the insights that are brought out by Adam’s interaction with his esteemed selection of guests. The only downside I have is I realized that AG is connected to Better Up tech whom I used during covid for counseling but dropped it because I was not satisfied. Also, Better Up reviews in Glassdoor shows top management not treating their employees well (go check it out!!). Just a bit confounded by AG’s association with this company while preaching excellence and leadership to all of us.
HeathrLDavsProtect this man at all costsCan we order an Adam Grant for every workplace please?
IttybittyERHLike a good book, I return to episodes again and again.Like a good book, I return to this podcast and particular episodes again and again and frequently refer it to friends. This podcast has shaped whom I am as a leader and the way I approach the work place. A few of my go to are, Season 3, Episode 5: Authenticity is a double-edged sword, Season 4, Episode 12: Is it safe to speak up at work?, and Season 3, Episode 2, Burnout is everyone’s problem. What is different from this one and Rethinking is that Adam creates a thesis based on research and expert opinion. It is not an interview but more of a guide, incorporating the voice of others. The most recent episode was a return to the format I find hugely helpful. It also balances the needs of the work place and the needs of the employee. It is useful to the employer and the employee. Check it out! It is worth your time!
mvelasco07A must-listen!I absolutely love this podcast! I’m consistently impressed with the engaging conversations, insightful content, and actionable ideas. I truly learn something new every time I tune in. 10/10 recommend!
Michelle Henderson 25Love this ChannelEach episode is so inspiring and interesting!
Lorna IsisThe Gaines & AdamI have enjoyed this episode soooo much! My husband is an introvert and I am also in private, but when I go out I am a social. So everything you have mentioned really feels familiar. Thank you for such a jolly and insightful episode.
Plays4shoesUsed to be greatThis used to be my favorite pod! When Adam did a deep-geek-alicious dive into a topic. Now he just interviews someone else. It is just like any other pod. It just lost the specialness. I miss the magic of the first seasons.
marie and mewUnlistenableThe audio on the most recent episode with Whole Foods was so bad it should not have been aired at all. Nails on a chalkboard bad.
DrVanNYCLearn a lot from TaraThanks for great content Adam. I really enjoyed what Tara said. My one request - take her advice to heart- I almost stopped the episode near the very beginning because your words actually put me on the defensive. The joke, about living under a rock - makes me feel belittled and then my energy goes to being defensive. And starting the episode as Tara as someone who has accomplished so much and been driven all her life - perhaps the rest of us haven’t had such drive forever , which might be most of us, need to feel valued and powerful. Being lost is common and finding strength in that might be the most valuable. Learned a lot from Tara. Keep exposing us to great people!7
JohnInGeorgiaExcellent Podcast!Take the time to listen especially if you’re a person with influence at your job! I’d love to see more content on how companies can better empower employees to address mental health. Eg sick time balance separate from PTO or flexible in office, or gym deals, or low cost therapy sessions
picabolabDislike the new directionGood for Adam for branching out into new territory but I personally dislike the broadness of topics and preferred when the podcast on just work trends, management, and I/O psychology topics.
luna$pandaAbsolutely love Adam!!!Thank you so much Adam for making my day! Thank you for believing in the underdog!
The Rx747ChatGPT EpisodeDear Adam, After listening to the ChatGPT episode you hosted with your fellow professor and the ex-Amazon executive, I have to say that you'd come across as a snub. Nobody doubts your intellectual capacity, but your narrow and haphazard evaluation and reaction to the Adam-like prompted ChatGPT response of simple playful questions made me shake my head. I seriously think you are one of those who overestimate themselves, as brilliant as you may well be. Perhaps you are right and you're so brilliant that the system response feels “insulting to a such brilliant mind”. Or perhaps you came across as defensive and agitated for no apparent reason. Your other line about your “brilliant superior editors friends” sounded defensive or over the top. I tell you one thing, anyone, anyone with half a brain, like your guests, can see that what this system is capable of doing is extremely impressive. And by the way, part of those answers do sound like you. If you feel they're cheese, that ought to tell you something about yourself. Also, ChatGPT answers are evidence-based buddy, you simply need to understand what is used to base the answer. In that category alone, the system proved more nimble than you. You just need to take into account the audience and the possible context into what/where the question is asked, and it is easy to understand the answer. Anyhow, just your visceral and defensive reaction left much to be desired. The guests were great though. They obviously get it and didn't sound offended or scared of the program. Maybe, just maybe, you ought to think about that. Introspection I believe it is called.
Nefret74Mix in more of the sciencey episodes?I’m guessing the original format of this podcast took way more time and effort to produce, but it would be great if we could sometimes get shows in the old format. I found that combination of style, approach and thoughtfully synthesized expertise from a range of perspectives to be so helpful and informative, with so much value and insight packed into just half an hour, I often ended up listening to episodes more than once. As another reviewer said, there are already so many one-on-one interview shows out there…
Jaime TorchEar Candy and ApplicationI’ve been an Adam Grant fan for years, devouring his books and attending conferences where he keynotes. I appreciate that the same thoughtfulness, preparation, and humor that go into those mediums is also applied to his podcast. I now look forward to hard Tuesday morning track workouts!!! I know I’ll learn some interesting things that can be applied to Work/Life and help me make sense of the human condition.
JhallieusaRelevant and WittyI stumbled upon this when looking for something else and ended up listening to nearly every podcast in the series in one weekend. I just couldn’t stop listening. Every single one was so interesting. Even if the titles didn’t capture my imagination, the content certainly did. Adam is funny, interesting, and spot on in his assessment of just about everything.
Buda BossTHE BESTEST!Do yourself a favor and listen to EVERY episode of this podcast. Thank my later.
MeitghkkNot learning anythingObnoxious and useless. Unsubscribing now.
Chill4healthThought-provoking conversations and applicable strategiesAs an executive and team coach, I have been following, experimenting with, and questioning Adam's ideas and books for many years. Like everyone, myself included, he has blind spots and biases, but those pale in comparison with the power of the insights he offers and questions he raises about how we work best, what raises or lowers our motivation, and how our workplaces are evolving or need to evolve. I may not agree with every episode, but always take away a new idea or approach that can help me better understand the landscape and the issues that the people and organizations I coach are facing. Right up there with Hidden Brain and How I Built This as a favorite podcast.
Dr. C3Expansive and RelevantDefinitely one of my top five podcasts. Through Adam’s interviews, I am exposed to perspectives I would never have realized.
GreggamFrom research to talk showThe podcast has gone from insightful research and discussions about work life to a talk show. One or two interviews is great now it is just another podcast about nothing.
Lala1865Missing the original Work LifeThere are so many podcasts where interviews are the main focus. No one person is that interesting to devote a full podcast to in my opinion. The new format loses my interest quickly and has lost the dynamic and original edge that Work Life had. The original merged science with social in a very entertaining way. There were several actionable or thought provoking take aways each episode which I appreciated. I like to learn and grow my perspective - the old Work Life was one of my favorites for that reason. I don’t get a lot of out of 1:1 conversations - no matter who is being interviewed. There’s no science there - just one person’s experience/perspective.
Christy029197So many great insightsEach episode is so insightful and explained in a way to draw parallels to every day work life. Adam and his guest provide a roadmap of how to make work more enjoyable not just for me but my team as well
East Coast AdventurerThank you for your work!I love this podcast. You can find me listening and nodding along in agreement. I get so excited to share my favorite episodes from this podcast with my community. Keep up the great work!
JCdoodzThoroughly Enjoying This!I really enjoy this podcast. It gives me a new perspective on work and has helped me navigate situations that have arisen while working.
run_amandaThoughtful and actionableLove the topics covered, the guest stories, and the the research brought to every episode. This show is committed to bringing practical solutions to everyday workplace challenges. A must listen for leaders and team members alike.
next business womanRecent episodes missingRecent episodes are missing when you click on “See All”. (iPhone) Where did season 5 go?
Khem Raj SedhaiOne of the best podcastsI love listening podcasts when I get a time, and I listen frequently. This is one of the best podcasts I ever listened, and thus, I rated with *****
Blaze FowlerEverythingThis show is intriguing. Somehow, Adam Grant keeps an encouraging, open-minded friendliness in his voice through every interview. His kind manner allows each person to open up and share struggles, personal stories, and purely unique perspectives. I love learning and living vicariously.
KatWey4444Honestly, you can’t…go wrong with Adam Grant.
Allie 🐊🙈I was a bit annoyed by the assumption that everyone with low EI would “not care” about others and thus would be more successful or productive (low sunken cost). I work with 18 and 19-year-olds who are still identifying their emotions and practicing expressing themselves. My students' lives are more chaotic and thus are less productive when they don't understand or have difficulty perceiving how other people are feeling or perceiving themselves. They don't just not care.
Pd MuttiThe other Malcom GladwellSuch a smart dude. Upbeat & interesting every time. Love this podcast
Prefer not to put a nicknameGood content and topics but…Please talk slower Adam! This could be a much better podcast if you speak at the same pace as your guests.
Aluisious38 minutes of boot lickingJust listened to the great resignation episode and after 30 minutes pay was never mentioned as a reason to leave a job or accept another offer or something to be addressed to retain employees. Instead they talked about how you can make your resignation, should you choose to be one of the 70 percent of people who will regret it later, as smooth and gracious a process as possible for “your organization.” Also a 5 minute add for LinkedIn encouraging people to try to be influencers on the platform, and an interview with a consulting manager who lost her whole team and then decided to fix that by interviewing the one girl who stayed because “you can talk to the angry bitter losers who leave or you can talk to the hardworking people you can count on who stay.”
kimalevyHas long been a favoriteAnd keeps getting better!
vern mihillLove this!How do you not love Adam Grant? When I discovered “Think Again” it neatly articulated observations that I noticed literally everywhere in our society. Adam had me impressed with his ability to communicate those thoughts. Since then, Ive read his books and am now eagerly awaiting more content from Adam. One of the smartest people I’m aware of. (And the gentle ribbing of Malcolm Gladwell is fun too!)
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