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YoshipuppyBest show ever!Please make more!
EeeKay1MORE!!!We need more episodes
JolyJanknsPlease make moreI love this show and was sad when he stopped uploading
MrhowmeMore episodes PLEASEI love listening to all of them and after I finish all of the episodes I was so sad.
Muffinman2479Awesome podcastI’ve listened to this podcast 2 times through and I hope he resumes the podcast soon because it’s probably the best I’ve listened to.
Let’s go NickHaters GET OUTThis is the greatest podcast I have ever listened to and probably the greatest podcast I will EVER listen to. If you don’t like Nick (the host) or think he doesn’t know what he’s doing, you should have a major reality check. This podcast is awesome, and I would absolutely LOVE if any more came out.
The guy who guysAmazingThis series is amazing and not a little kid telling me a bedtime story
J99gfx⭐️| Mind bending |⭐️Although i’ve listened to all of the Episodes so many times, it’s just too spectacular and interesting and honestly they never seem to get boring. Each Episode is just so Captivating and i can’t stop listening, it really gets me thinking, there are endless possibilities. I only have one thing to ask; please make more episodes! Obviously take your time and don’t stress it :) I hope everything is OK, and Episodes will come out sooner or later. Take care👋
Cassi0810AMAZING SHOWPlease make more!! I binged them all too quickly.
MrsCarter69Wish there were more episodes!Enjoyed the series, wish there were more
ashes~!Haters just shut upThis is one of the best podcasts I've ever listened to keep up the good work😁
103785227AmazingWhen I stated listening I thought this was done by a historian.But then I learned you are only in college.Great podcasts.
college kid 47Phenomenal PodcastI love how Nick goes into all the theories to provide a solid foundation for the audience to make their own inference. While still delivering his own ideas for solutions, I wish that he would continue this series. Absolutely phenomenal and fun to listen to!
leviosa34W podcastI love this podcast I just wish he’d finish college😭😭I wish he had more episodes
nigel weatherbonePlease start this back up I miss it so muchI absolutely love this podcast and really want you to start it back up
BurnMoneyGoatedLoved hearing from Nick how personally he was invested with the Voynich Manuscript. Awesome episode and enjoy the enthusiasm. Great show
cubie fanGreat Podcast!!!!I was looking for a new podcast to listen to, and I came across yours. I listened to one and was instantly hooked. I was sad to see that it hadn’t been updated in a while, and just really wish it would come back. If you aren’t able to, I completely understand, I just really hope you can! Best of luck on whatever you are currently doing!
1470259369Very interestingThis podcast is so interesting because he looks at it from every point of view.
BrandonVosikaLove itGreat podcast! The host is great :)
GreasymcgeeSad your goneYou did a great job on this podcast especially doing it solo that’s not easy. You are a gem sir I wish you well in whatever endeavors you are currently pursuing.
DRINKIN LIBERAL TEARSPlease come back!I’ve listened to all your podcasts and I want more! MORE!!!!! I’m ravenous with History’s Great Mysteries. Please!!! Please?
Brennan BunchCome back!I just found this podcast and am so sorry to see that it’s been some time since episodes were made. I’ve really enjoyed listening and hope others will at least take advantage of the existing episodes. Thank you for delivering a ton of information in an understandable, palatable, and enjoyable-to-listen-to way. So many other podcasts are all over the place with unnecessary, cringey commentary 😆. I appreciate that there’s opinion and humanity here but mostly facts and info that let the listeners decide.
Marbles McCoolLots of info jammed in there!Hold onto your hats and get ready to be blown away! Let’s hope he can keep up the pace as he leads us on another exciting journey thru our mysterious world…
funky studierWow wow wow AMAZINGFirst of all, this is simply a magnificent podcast, highly recommend. Super deep thoughts, especially love the Somerton man episode. Second of all, make more of these like why have you already stopped after so few episodes! Next of all, where on earth did you find some of these deep things about them? I can’t find anything like that when I research this stuff so cool for you I guess. Anyway, super great! Make more!
TAD1829Well doneExcellent Fun and well researched Plus he has a good presentation Why did he stop ?
Magtastic 2020Good show!Entertaining and you can tell that the host really cares about the material
reviewerr perrsonGood🥷🏻
El Revew✨the best✨THIS PODCAST IS SO GOOD, this is the first podcast I can actually enjoy!
Johdylan31Great show, great hostReally enjoy listening, interesting facts, perspective , and a soothing voice to unwrap the story for ya ! Top 3 favorite podcasts.
Andrew_Pro_FishingPeople who say this podcast in trash are dumb.This is one of my favorite podcasts! I have read some of the one- star reviews and I am smiling right now. These people are just dumb haters. I bet 99.9% of haters are jealous and they can’t do a better job than this. I you can, do it! I dare you to try to make a podcast this good. I saw some haters also write how the host “makes a lot of side notes” that are “completely irrelevant” to the main theme of the podcast. You haters are just to dumb to understand how almost everything that he says is relevant to the conversation. The host did a great job! Keep making podcasts and don’t listen to dumb haters!
I 💕 podcasts👍I really like it! The host really has a way with words, I never get bored!
MargieBigFootGood podcast!I love historical mysteries, and the host does a very nice job. Make more episodes!
Neplusultra123I just stumbled upon this podcast…It doesn’t look like any new episodes are being made, but this is a really cool podcast. I like that the host gives you the background, does it in a non sensational manner, and finally gives you his opinion. The host’s voice also is well made for this kind of work. He does an awesome job all around. That’s high praise from me. I was really disappointed when I ran out of episodes and have listened to the Jack Ripper episode twice. I wish there was more. To the host, I wish you the best success in whatever you choose to do next. Be well!
saratliff1Need more stories!!I just found this podcast and WOW it’s great food for thought - great info, factual story telling, and wonderful puzzling stories. I’m sad to see the stories stopped but hopefully this podcast comes back with new episodes!
Sietsema2006Awesomely entertaining!My son introduced me to these podcasts this weekend on a car trip. We had so much fun listening, theorizing and chatting over the topics. We’ve also had to research some of the images talked about and have been having fun talking over the episodes. Love these!
Impulse 🦸♂️LegitnessI just listened to my first episode today and let me just say “That was legitness”!!!
InTheStars2010The dyatlov pass incidentHonestly I loved this. Super intriguing and really shocking. I’m almost a teenager and loved this and honestly think anyone would.🙂definitely recommend listening to this!! (I also loved hearing all the theories about the incident)
DMartinezAcGave it a chancePossibly the absolute worst podcast I’ve ever listened to. I tried a few episodes, but I just can’t. The delivery, the constant need to pause for effect and the side notes that have zer0 to do with the topic.
Vinnie gamerAbout the earth Vader thingIn the original movie before the audio remaster he actually said no Luke I am your father
InfernoBee10🤘👍This podcast is a time machine into history describing in such detail and in depth I feel as though I am there myself whether it’s the coast of Australia at the somertan beach or in ancient Egypt. This podcast truly is amazing please keep uploading.
SpanishdelyteA solid listenI’m really enjoying your storytelling style as you narrate these fascinating mysteries, most of which I’d never heard of. I love when the music kicks in when you tell us your theory! Keep up the good work!
Brian GouletIlliterate NarratorThe Host-Narrator is a ignorant— completely unschooled and unread. He mispronounces “especially” : there is no “x” in especially, you poor thing! So don’t say “expecially”. When you mispronounce a basic high school word your ignorance is on full display. And in the episode on Nostradamus the narrator again celebrates his complete lack of knowledge by mispronouncing the famous city of Avignon. He’s too tired, too lazy or too dumb to look it up. Excruciating to listen to this sixth grader who can’t speak. And comedic and pathetic that such an uneducated person is talking about Nostradamus in the first place. Sad.
pistol peeweeWow!👍👍👌👌I really like this podcast! It started out as me listening with my brother then I looked into it and now I’m hooked😄 p.s. I like how some of the episodes are eerie!🙃 P.S.S I’m only 10 and I’m a history geek
RikwinkleSmart ,well thought out and entertaining!I really enjoyed this podcast. I listened to a few and I am definitely a fan! Thx for the great work! Keep the episodes coming!
CastDisRiteHereZero atmosphereLike a friend on the phone casually stumbling through a story. Why don’t people get it? Maybe have a listen to Casefile. It’s true crime but it’ll make you understand what atmosphere and story telling actually sound like.
thomasdevhayeFantastic.Recently stumbled across this podcast and couldn’t be happier.
Facts not OpinionsAnother oneAnother history podcast from a person who seems to get information from Wikipedia. Interview people who are experts on a subject, actually research your topic, do the work.
YtrwqbLove the show, hate the saliva sounds.I love the content and theories, but the lip smacking, spit swallowing and general slug sounds make it hard to listen to. Sorry.
ClimateactivistwwwFinally found my podcastI am a thirteen year old aspiring reporter and a huge history buff. Obviously with this combo I would be fascinated by history mysteries, but my family hates the history channel, not to mention my 8 year old sister who would not do well with subjects like Jack the Ripper and the Somorton man. This podcast is my happy place. I feel like nick is the history buff friend I’ve always wanted, and I often agree with his theories. I really can’t stress enough how much I love this podcast and can’t wait for more episodes!
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