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Kyle BermanUnsubstantiated Claim Re: Totipotent Stem CellsFull disclosure, I’ve only listened to one episode of this podcast and it was the one about caffeine. I really hate to have to give any podcast a bad rating but Darin made a strong and definitive claim about caffeine’s effect on Totipotent stem cells that, from what I can tell, is patently incorrect. His exact claim: “The other important thing I want to raise your attention to… one of the top stem cell researchers on the planet said without a doubt the most powerful healing stem cell is the Totipotent Stem Cell, even though they do go down over time. Over 100mg of caffeine per day kills the Totipotent stem cells. Disrupts them or destroys them. So just keep in mind that when you are drinking more than 100mg per day, you’re killing off the top stem cells in your body. I found nothing backing this claim and from the research I did, human beings don’t even have Totipotent stem cells beyond two weeks after they become a fertilized embryo. I looked through all the sources he put on the episode page most of which actually claim up to 300 or 400 mg per day is safe… a far cry from 100mg. I sent him several emails and follow ups to multiple different accounts simply asking him for sources or anything that can back up these claims because I genuinely wanted to know if they were true or not. I try to limit my caffeine but 100mg is really not a lot and some coffee brands have more than that in a single cup alone. My emails were 100% friendly and came from a curious perspective, not an adversarial one. I’m sure Darin is a busy guy and might not have time to respond to all the emails he gets, and fair enough. But what isn’t fair enough is making definitive claims on a health podcast that are completely unsubstantiated that might impact the consumption habits and lives of those listening to his podcast. My concern is what else is he making up in other episodes of his podcast? Happy to change this review if this is addressed or I am wrong.
drumminjayeAwesomeThank you Darin for being you!!
Lanief2PodcastGreat information ❤️❤️
Go back to original versionInteresting & Informative ContentI really enjoy this podcast, especially the interviews with naturopaths, people with eco businesses, and anyone who shares information with actionable steps.
aspw1982Great Podcasts Based on Facts!!!Thanks so much for putting all this information together for the world to hear! It has tied all the information I have been listening to and reading…Your books Superlife and Fatal Conveniences, really tie together all the Plant Based doctors who have been saying it’s the food for so long. Your facts about our water and products we use everyday are very much appreciated! I enjoy listening to you and your guests and have purchased Barùkas as well as Fatty 15! Little tweaks for longevity! Andrea W.
Channel BlessedStuckSo sad!
Hooviemoto87Good Speaker; same content as everyone elseGood speaker and I did enjoy the episode about air quality, which is why I listened. However, most of the content is already out there saturating the internet. So, I probably won’t continue to listen.
Melany MartLife Changing PodcastI have made so so so many changes to my life because of the things I have learned in this podcast. I knew what I wanted out of my life but this podcast has given me many tools to create the life I want.
SphinctergirlAll my Gratitude!Darin, I don’t know where to begin except to express all my gratitude to you in this moment. I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for all your hard work, dedication, discipline and good habits. It has changed the trajectory of my health. Not only my physical health, but also my mental health. I just got done listening to your podcast with Mike Posner (May 29th 2024). Not only was the entire podcast filled with beautiful words and mantras and inspiring quotes, but the thing that finally made me express my gratitude towards you was at the very end. You told Mike how happy you were to connect with him. And I think that’s why I like listening to you so much. Your love for people is what makes me keep coming back to your podcast. Your integrity and drive to help other people is so good. Thank you for being such a good male role model in this world. Your products I trust. I trust your words. And I know that I can trust the things that you promote are one: because they work, knowing from my own experience. And two: I trust you because I have found that when you connect with people, that is where sincere love for people comes from. So I know you are sincere and genuine. Connecting with people is one of the best things in this human experience we can have. Again thank you for connecting with people. It has changed my life. So many times I have wanted to just tell you thank you and I finally have now. Thank you for choosing good.
AnnaresendeGreat Show!I have been following Darin since the first episode of Down to Earth. I always tell people that his book Superlife was the one that opened the door to a whole new life for me. I guess I’m a super fan! I love the way he cares about giving the right information. His was the first podcast I listened and have been enjoying all the interviews!
Chuck221BAuthentic and StraightforwardWhat I appreciate most about Darin is his ability to mix his passionate personality with straightforward common sense. Never does he tell you WHAT to do with your life. He gives you the facts, and the rest of up to you. I enjoy how fired up he gets when talking about things that light his fire - the truth will either set you free or set you on fire. I also appreciate the mix between physical health and mental health topics. I look forward to each of his podcasts!
jenniethegreatMy Favorite PodcastWhen I first started watching Down To Earth, I was hooked! He offers simple and “down to earth” approaches to things we have gone so far from in the modern world. He and Zac propose a life of living in a relaxed and earth-friendly environment. I’ve been looking so long for someone to bring these things to light as I want so badly to get back to a simpler life. I’m now moving to the suburbs and incorporating the things Darin and Zac speak of. Thank you for a refreshing podcast!
ginak22Great podcast.Excellent topics and information. Thank you Darin and your team. ☮️💟☮️
ShaylaDavilaAmazing!!I love this podcast and it has opened my eyes from so many different aspects! Just bought the fatal convenience book as well and can’t wait to read it! Thanks for the information you bring to the world!
EMcGowanThanks!Thanks for being a friend I can listen to and learn from. With you’re help I’m getting healthier on all levels and realizing I’m worth taking care of. It spills out and benefits my family as well. Keep em coming. Thank you.
Karen Lynn 60Overall reviewI love all of your podcasts. I find you very engaging, intelligent and wise. I have learned so much from you over the years. Thank you so much for not following the norm of speeding up podcasts so you can’t even understand what people are saying. It is unbelievable that we expect people to listen to peoples voices on fast-forward it is disturbing! Keep up the good work I love listening to you. Thank you.
Rolo72formanInteresting showInteresting- especially when Darin gives the source of information or data that backs the statements in case you want to verify information. Darin does promote products like all the other podcasts. It would be helpful to have more guest like Huberman again and Dr. Lustiq, Barnard and known endocrinologists. Please keep the information coming, Darin. Also, hoping down the road you and Zack can do a session 3 of your show.
JustatexterPlasticI love your podcast. I have read through your book 2 times. This got me thinking about plastics. I have been a motivator and big advocate for Ashley Black Fascia Blaster. Then I got thinking that her products are made from polymer plastic which contain BPA, is that correct? As I went deeper, I saw “Slip Agents” which is Animal fats and tissues which prevents plastic from sticking to the metal machinery. Ashley Black has gone public and saying the company is giving back to the earth with ethical manufacturing. How can that be if they are making products made of plastic! Here, I have been plant based all these years and I am using a product with potential animals in the recipe? What are you thoughts. I so want to learn more and address this all the thousands and thousands of people using this product line. Thank you. Susanne Boyer
WinogrlI’m hooked!!I’m a newer listener and all I can say is, “Darin, where have you been all my life!?!?” I’ve only been listening for a little over a week and a half now and I probably listened to 10 episodes by day 2/3. So much great information and recommendations, supported by research and details to help people make healthier and more sustainable choices. I’m so grateful I found this podcast but I wish I had found it sooner. I’ve already made some changes and new, smarter purchases thanks to Darin, like excuse me….but baruka nut butter…..THE BEST! I would recommend this podcast to everyone and have been sending episodes to friends and family. So much resonates with me here. Thank you for what you do Darin!!! You’re amazing 😊
G2 2023Love him and his podcast!I love how genuine Darin is and passionate about helping the planet. I particularly love that he gives us SOLUTIONS. These are easy things that we can all do everyday for the greater good.
Savrina AlsokhariHiHi Darin! I just got my Bite Kit delivered today! I’m so stoked!!!! Thank you for your Podcast ! You’re A Rockstar! Earlier this week I listened to one of your fatal conveniences episode and got some tips from You on making my own cleaning solutions. I made a spray that pretty much cleans everything! Vinegar/Water/ Lavender essential oil! I just love it. Why didn’t I do this sooner. Your Podcast is helping me find new ways of living a more sustainable and healthier life. Thank you again, and keep educating us, the world really needs you! Have a beautiful and blessed day! ♥️🦮👌🐠😀🙋♀️ Savrina or Savvy
MrPizzaPartyThank you DarinI started listening to Darin’s podcast after Season 1 of Down to earth in 2020. Had a lot of free time on my hands with the covid shut down. I make sure to listen every week now. Every episode leaves me with something to keep in the back of my mind to help improve my life. Whether it’s mental or physical or doing something to change my surroundings. After this last episode, I just wanted to say thank you for having Marianne Williamson on. The only way we’re going to really promote change is to promote the politicians that can help promote change. I honestly didn’t even know about her until your show. She would definitely get my vote in 2024 even if she’s not on the ballot. I’ll write her in.
katelumpIntention and informativeI appreciate Darin’s podcast so much and you can feel his passion about health. This is the type of information we need more of! It’s a must listen for those who wish to live in vitality!
Nolzie316Incredible!!!!!!Huge fan of the show as well as “Down to Earth”. I worry every day about what I have inhaled and ingested after 30 years in the Police/Fire profession, including what I was exposed to at ground zero. Your content is helping my family and I live a much healthier life. Thank you. It would be incredible if you dedicated a show to Type 1 Diabetes. My daughter was diagnosed at 12 years old and the number of people being diagnosed increases every year (not in the blue zones though. I am convinced this is a result of the chemicals in our foods, seeds, dairy and meat. Please consider this as a topic, so many families would benefit from your thorough research and knowledge. Thank you so much. Keep up the awesome work. I’ve listened to every one of the episodes at least twice.
Lindsay H1417Big impactsI’ve always had an interest in health and wellness, but I have not been more addicted to any one source of information than to what is shared by Darin Olien. The information provided is so real, so easy to understand, and there are always solutions offered! We live in a world where we don’t even realize how normal, everyday products are so harmful. And we have gone so far astray from what is truly natural and healthy. We need more Darin Oliens in this world! While I am obsessed with this podcast and hope more and more people start to find it, too, Darin has other great sources of info out there…Down to Earth on Netflix is amazing and provides visuals that you can’t get from podcasts and both of his books are a necessity for anyone trying to make healthy decisions in their daily lives! Most importantly, listening to this podcast regularly for the last 2 years has been one of my biggest motivators to get out there and help spread the world as well as a Health Coachm myself. Thank you, Darin and Team, for all you do! This is excellent work!!
Love and Light 118My GuruThere are not enough words to explain the ways in which Darin and his podcast have changed my life. I am a mother; and constantly am hyper aware of what I put in my body and my children’s body. Listening to Darin spread his knowledge has helped me beyond measure to show up to be my best self as a mom, business woman, etc etc etc. I joke that he is my guru but I honestly mean it. My “what would Darin do” is a constant slogan said throughout the household. Thank you so much for your amazing hard work that you are delivering to us! Consciousness is here and I hope everyone hops onto this podcast and changes their life too! We love you!
Terlyn DaBoEthical eatingThe podcast with Peter Singer was so enlightening! I was aware of some of the suffering of animals in factory farming but this conversation really raised my awareness. I already have a mostly plant based diet, but this has convinced me to get rid of all factory produced animal products. Thank you for your work! Bringing this and so many other vital conversations on our health to us through your podcast helps make me more conscientious in my buying habits and keeps me more connected with what is real. Keep up the awesome work! Thank you & your whole team!
MandmbohlerBLOWN AWAYJust listened to episode with Benjamin Knight. EYE OPENING! I have tried every treatment for redness and flushing of my face! Nothing worked. I’m going to Truth Treatments right now!
Shaye16!A touch of goodnessThank you for producing this podcast and finding great guests! Every time I complete an episode I come away feeling better, and thinking about ways I can improve myself and the world around me. Always finding amazing information and great ways to start setting goals for myself in each episode. This podcast is a touch of goodness each week!
NinaRoseBabinAlways improvingI am a new listener and I’ve recently become obsessed with improving my quality of life and, in turn, being healthier and happier. Darin always has direct instruction for improvements as well as concise research to back it up. I’m such a fan already and excited to see what my future holds thanks to him!
RedeemedinFloridaGood but languageI enjoy your podcasts but must you cuss so much? You appear to be very intelligent so I know you have the vocabulary to express yourself without foul language. Thanks for the good information.
My3boysleiterA Treasure of Inconvenient Beneficial InfoI’ve followed Darin for years since trying Shakeology in 2010. We’ve met a couple times and each time, I leave with a positive yet conflicting feeling in my heart and mind. He’s a wealth of information on things so many ignore. Take his knowledge to heart. Hes dedicated his whole life to personally learning first hand by going to the source.
Mrs RatnerSo much good stuff!I love this show on so many levels, but the episode with Farmlink left me in tears. Thank you for all the work you do to bring these issues to light and showcasing people that deserve it!
Miss MachLove this podcast!I first heard about Darin during Covid and Down to Earth came out through Netflix… I just recently found his podcast, and I absolutely love it! I am always trying easy ways to be healthier, happier, and safer! I wish I had endless supplies of money so I can try everything he suggests but sadly I can’t, so this is the next best thing!! I think Darin is amazing and this podcast is just as amazing! Can’t wait to get his book. I know you will love this podcast!
madison koalaMammogram EpisodeI am disappointed in your discouragement of mammograms. A mammogram saved my mother’s breast cancer from progressing and allowed early intervention. Living a lifestyle to limit chances of cancer is great for young people without history of cancer in their families but for many others mammograms save lives. A mammogram is not a fatal convenience and it is irresponsible for you to include it in the same category as scented plug ins.
wayfarervintageHow Naturopathic Medicine Can Help - dr Lana ButnerThe host and the guest were absolutely perfect Perfect questions Just the right amount of time on each topic Very very informative Thank you both
AnneJ13Healing injuries faster./NeubieLove all of your guest, but definitely connected with the last podcast on our neurological system. Thank you so much for always introducing new ideas and concepts. I already have set up an appointment. Would love to hear a episode on Sibo thank you Darin for all that you do.
JJC IVEpisode 211Ep 211 featuring Rob Dyrdek was phenomenal. Actionable insights packaged succinctly. No fluff. Great Q&A.
Erin 💥Episode 206I am so fascinated by this recent episode about our microbiome and viral illnesses. Thank you to Darin and the guests that always bring the truth to light. This podcast and mission are a true gem in this world. 🙏🏼🤍
Eric S FGetting CommercialGreat podcast to start, but over the past 6 months or so, it has changed notably. This recent blockchain episode is enough to get me to unsubscribe and check in periodically to pick and choose which topics I want to hear about. The pod is becoming very commercial and I believe Darin’s core beliefs are becoming compromised by his partnerships and joint ventures. I get it…We live in a capitalistic society….Darin has to make his money too…But by regularly listening over the past 6 months I feel less like I am a part of “the tribe,” trying to do something to better myself, my place in society, and my planet; and more like I am being sold something for 56 minutes once a week. Unsubscribed…
IneedfadoodlesTHANK YOUThis podcast has taught me SO very much! Sometimes I have to listen to a show more than once to catch everything and I love it! It’s chalk full of such great information. Every time I finish an episode, I have something new to implement into my life and feel so inspired to do better! Your guests are brilliant, as are you. Thank you for all of your insight and direction. I always recommend your podcast to anyone who will listen.
@mr.eddieriveraLife MattersDarin’s podcast is incredible. It’s approachable and important… Podcasts like this are important because they contribute excellent ideas, advice, and education that are necessary. Arguably now more than ever before! Thanks for the pod, Darin.
saradoanesuch an incredible show!awesome guests
KFaupelMust Listen!This is my favourite podcast! Darin has a passion for real health and everyone should listen for perspective. I am very grateful for the information he shares and have changed my lifestyle based off this podcast. Thank you Darin!
Penny SlayMy favorite Podcast show!I just am so grateful to have an opportunity to listen to such a positive podcast! It is always inspiring, always educational, always helps me grow! Much gratitude to Darin and his podcast guests! It is amazing to hear so many great thoughts and ideas that align with my core values. Good vibes always!
Kasher72625Fatal ConvenienceThe Fatal Convenience episodes have been a game changer for me. I’ve made quite a few changes from listening to these! Very informative and research based which has opened my eyes to so many more things we do that are “easy” but not good for us. Keep them coming!
ashleydpayneLife ChangerWhen I say that Darin has changed my life, I mean it from the bottom of my soul! I started reading Super Life and quickly followed up with his podcasts. I’m the healthiest I’ve ever been and so much more aware of what I’m putting on and in my body it’s unbelievable. I don’t think I’ll ever be able to thank him enough for sharing his messages. You have a fan for life. (A very happy and happy life at that)
Kaleb duhLove!!!I look forward to listening to Darin every week. Positive and motivating.
Sara DāBreath of Fresh AirI look forward to inspirational and eye opening episodes from Darin Olien every week. I appreciate him for being an inspiration and for sharing tips on how to live a more clean, less toxic existence.
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