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JljlbManipulativeI was actually a Patreon member and wrote a positive review maybe a year ago, but the more I listened the more I realized- they’re not right, they’re just good prosecutors selling their point of view! And good for them, but I think they should stay in their lane. Go put more innocent people in jail. (No, I don’t think Karen Read is innocent.) Podcasters spreading misinformation or glossing over facts that don’t fit their narrative have proven to be very damaging to this country. Laughing about an administration sending out letters laying off like half of our govt employees, while promising severance for which they haven’t legally appropriated funding- Not funny. Alice still hides it but Brett doesn’t even try to- fascists.
TX-Megs1044Great discussionGreat podcast. The hosts are extremely knowledgeable and engaging. Alice is absolutely lovely and brilliant. Brett is almost as lovely and brilliant. They offer great insight, encourage listeners to critically think and welcome diverse viewpoints and healthy discussion. I thoroughly enjoy the knowledge shared on Legal Briefs and theories on The Prosecutors. I love the tidbits they share about their experiences and families. Not sure if y’all are still doing questions, this one may have been asked already. What is your favorite baseball team? And what is your favorite concession food and beverage?
jipjopflopDangerousThese two are absolute fascists. Hearing them talk about birthright citizenship confirmed it.
Listeneremr0034Love the podLove the podcast, thank you for the wealth of knowledge you guys provide. Question: can you please discuss the legalities of what is happening in our federal government currently with Elon Musk infiltrating various departments? Trying to find hope in lawyers who believe in and defend the constitution.
Acash16Love love loveI love listening to Alice and Bret! They bring a different perspective from any other true crime media I have ever consumed and trust me it’s been a lot. My question for you both: my boyfriend is getting ready to go to law school. He has been accepted to one already and is waiting to hear from a few more. How should I prepare myself to best support him while he is in law school? What should I expect?
DrG4n6So informative!I always recommend this podcast to my students (forensic science/forensic investigative genetic genealogy). The discussions are always on point, informative, accurate/factual, and balanced/fair. I always look forward to new episodes!
KTBlountLove itI started on the first podcast, The Prosecutors, earlier this year due to an ad on the Jordan Harbinger podcast, and loved it! Made my way through the entire library before starting Legal Briefs. Legal Briefs is also incredibly engaging, insightful, and educational. Their easy dynamic shows sharp minds and quick wit! I’m learning so much about the law and why decisions are made. I’ll be so sad when I’m caught up with this collection, because then I’ll have to wait every week for a new episode.
GypsyKellMy Fav - The BestThank you for an incredible podcast. Not only do I learn from you, but I enjoy learning about you. So, thank you for sharing your knowledge, expertise, and opinion, and thank you for sharing your journeys. I look forward to your podcast each week and cannot wait for the episode to arrive.
Mirror_SeaReasonable doubt isn’t a concept.It means exactly what it says. The part that is tricky is the word “beyond” which has changed in meaning in the past 300 years. Anyway I’m giving up true crime because I hate it.
Charles GoodnightFive star questionWhy don’t attorneys like engineers on the jury?
dhrafshsfdLove the bloopers!Love their podcasts! And the bloopers are awesome, shut up haters.
lkelley01I wish everyone listened to this.Love Brett and Alice, and really appreciate them for spending time they probably don’t have to spare educating people on how the justice system really works and debunking scary headlines. For my question: how on earth were the Phen-Phen countersuits from Chesley allowed to move forward?
doglover76754Sick of the bloopersI love y’all. But this is enough
itwasntmesir45Wrong!Their take on the Karen Read Case is just embarrassing. She is beyond innocent and to claim she isn't means you are not smart and should not be allowed to prosecute anyone. Horrible and corrupt!
KimacimaQuestion about leaving lawHey, love the show. Any thoughts on careers to transition out of law? I’ve been practicing in employment defense for 5 years and I hate it. Deeply miserable and need to do something else but having trouble seeing a way out. Sorry to be a bummer. Really do love the show. I loved law school and learning about the law, just hate giving up my health and personal life for the stress and inhumane hours of practicing.
SuzyblueLUsed to like themI really used to like this podcast until I realized how frequently they probably sent innocent people to jail.
kc9981Best. Podcast hosts. Ever.My question is this: can anyone who has been arrested request a public defender or are there specific financial criteria that must be met? Love the podcasts!
Meggan127Great show!Love the show…really helpful and in depth information about the technical law stuff but enjoyable and easy to understand. My question: what is your favorite/most interesting to you “hinge moment” in history? That is, what seemingly insignificant moment or person in history changed the trajectory of bigger world events?
ChicjoanBest true crime analysis!I’ve been listening from the beginning. Love how successful this pod has become along with the original. My question: what are the coolest jobs you can use your JD for - I’m convincing my kids to get a law degree for the education, not to be a law partner. Thank you guys!!!!!
Kath ThorLove!No question. Love you guys!
leslie_willCase Request!I would love your take on the death of Baltimore officer Sean Suiter a day before he was supposed to testify in front of fed grand jury about police corruption! Most of the time I roll my eyes at conspiracy theories, but this is so suspicious.
mc oopLove both pods!First, I could literally listen to you two read the dictionary and be content. Your voices are so cool. But that’s not the reason for a 5 ⭐️. The cases and legal jumbo are explained so easily that makes sense to me and that says a lot. They keep me laughing even when I shouldn’t 😁. Brett & Alice rule! Also, Marcia Clark is one of my favorites of all time!
breezy00090Poor Reporting on DelphiLove Brett and Alice and love The Prosecutors, but your reporting on Delphi was SO biased. You left out A LOT of important details from the trial and honestly, it seemed like your main source was The Murder Sheet, which is laughable. Stopped listened to MS and Legal Briefs for Delphi coverage and switched to Lawyer Lee on YouTube.
My4meaniesThank you for constant truthI don’t have a question…
Cameron E. RoseLove this show and the cold water approach to true crimeThe Prosecutors and Legal Briefs are my favorite podcasts. I love learning about a case with the cold water, rational approach (though I do miss them always considering “was it aliens?” like they did in the early days). Legal Briefs is great because it gives perspective on legal matters that is interesting and approachable for someone without a law background who is interested in high profile criminal cases. Question: Have you ever been in a situation where you truly thought you were about to die? (Or had a narrow miss?)
CheyFoxesAmazing and Informative!I love both the Prosecutors podcasts. I love that they are both intelligent and clear spoken when discussing confusing law topics. It’s very comforting to have things broken down from clickbait headlines. Are there any checks/balance for judges in the court room in the moment? Or are they kinda able to rule how they want until the session is over? Are they only “checked” by people making motions? (A judge dismissing a defense counselor w/out reason and the counselor files a motion trying to reverse this)
Chloe Grabenhorsthighlight of my week!hi Brett and Alice! Been listening to y’all for about a year now and have finally run out of episodes😭 I get so excited now when a new episode drops! My question is: have either of y’all watched breaking bad or Better Call Saul? If so, what is your opinion of Saul Goodman? is he an unethical lawyer who cheats or is he just taking advantage of the loopholes in the law? sorry that’s a couple questions! I personally love the saul and think he’s brilliant.
Julie MiliseGreat podcastI love Brett and Alice’s insight and banter. My question is: Can you do an update on the trial for parents of orphan Natalia Grace? Unless I’m missing it I don’t think the show revisited it. Thanks!
adveritasBasic and Brilliant!Get the perspectives of two down-to-earth, logical, experienced and very human attorneys! Very genuine and insightful! Even if you don’t care about the law, even their voices are captivating! If you have any interest in the US legal system, you will love this podcast! My college advisor suggested I go into law (I chose history, Latin and philosophy for college courses). This podcast confirms that would have been a great choice!
Lhatch27One of my fav!I absolutely love the witty banter between Alice & Brett. You can tell how good of friends they are. I also think they are wildly smart and honest. I love learning about the in’s & out’s of legal topics and truly understanding what is going on. I also love their other podcast, The Prosecutors. Alice- congrats on the baby, almost here! :) Question: Can you think of a moment in your life that at the time seemed upsetting, however down the road, you realized it led to something great?
IwtpbbVocalsAlice can you slow down your speech a bit. Sometimes it’s ok but when you get excited or emotive you talk so fast I can’t take it and can’t understand what you say.
Paramedic PBRAll the knowledgeAs a collector of random knowledge and a huge fan of true crime, this is hands down my favorite podcast. I’m always the one asking, “Why?” and this podcast really answers that question for me. As a Paramedic, I have a very relevant legal question for you. It revolves around my profession and is a two-parter. What are your opinions on the verdict for the Paramedics involved in the Elijah McClain case, and what impact do you feel it will have on the future of EMS?
BigKat3250Adnan SyedThese two MAGA prosecutors have blatantly lied about this case. Incredibly biased opinions and they assume almost every defendant is guilty. They have left out evidence that doesn’t fit their narrative that Adnan is guilty. They cherry pick certain elements from the case that validates their opinion that he’s guilty. Excluding facts that would support reasonable doubt in this case and gaslighting anyone who believes Adnan might be innocent is despicable. The two detectives who investigated this case have been proven corrupt and they have coerced several witness statements. These prosecutors have a large enough platform to where they should be ashamed of themselves for presenting a biased narrative that I’m sure has convinced thousands of people that Adnan Syed is guilty. I don’t know if he is or not but there is certainly enough reasonable doubt to vacate a guilty verdict. I want to say to them, “Do better” but it would obviously fall on deaf ears. This podcast is not just misleading but untruthful when it comes to certain aspects of this case. They claim that they are only presenting facts which is false. I don’t know how these people sleep at night.
mbh54ExcellentTop on my list. My go to - informative, factual, intelligent podcast. Also entertaining as well. Thank you so very much for such high quality podcast series and legal briefs.
ZillerTCellEpisode Request?Are you able to expanded on similarities and differences of Giglio vs Pitchess?
KDBaylisWhy are people so mean???I don’t understand the negative reviews. I have ZERO complaints. Alice & Brett consistently deliver honest & fair commentary supported by facts. They have a knack for explaining complex laws and legal jargon in the simplest way without being condescending. Both are just as friendly and authentic in person as they are on their podcasts. For all the mean people…Brett would be a stellar & adept District Court Judge. Alice for President!!! I have 2 ? for both of you. 1. You’ve both accomplished so much- Ivy League grads,successful attorneys, several tv appearances, multiple podcasts, an endless list of achievements. So, what single triumph made your parents most proud? 2. Some people just go out of their way to personally attack you or your values. How do you deal with the mean-spirited and often untrue reviews and comments? Love y'all!!!
truthcrimeWeird sound in Asha Degree episodeWeird sound in Asha Degree episode
IsabellaDonatelliGreat podcastWhat is the funniest story you have from law school?
Larissa91QuestionLove you guys! If you were gonna talk to a group if teenagers, what advice would you give them about choosing a good future?
Tiffles658Love you guys!!The prosecutors are my favorite podcast. I love both shows! Question for Alice- are there ANY Halloween movies you like? Like Halloween Town, Hocus Pocus, Charlie Brown and the Great Pumpkin? Brett- what is your favorite Christmas/holiday movie?
lilymydog03Great Podcast for Lawyers and Students!I graduated law school in 2023. I have an interview for an ADA position coming up and this Podcast has given me so many insights and tidbits. Affirmed my commitment and passion for the job!
4237598Ballistics episodeAwesome episode. Thank you for the special guest Chris. Really good to listen
Mander1313Solid podcastLove hearing the ins and outs of legal cases. Q: what’s a favorite family tradition you have?
AJ3754Question:If you could prosecute one famous case which one would it be and why
NecronLord3Zodiac?What are your thoughts on the recent documentary series “Myth of the Zodiac Killer” which basically suggests the Zodiac killer probably never existed and was most likely made up to connect a bunch of unconnected murders in order to sensationalize the crimes and sell more newspapers.
KLEB2006Dripping with distainAlice and Brett, you’ve said often how much you detest covering the Karen Read case, but when your utter distain means you can’t be bothered to pronounce names correctly, it impacts your professionalism. You guys are way better than that kind of pettiness.
asdf.286Wonderful and Educational!!I was introduced to The Proscutors Pod cast during the first run of the Scott Peterson case by a friend who is an attorney. I have not stopped listening!! Now I’m hooked on legal briefs too! I enjoy Brett and Alice’s fun banter. I tell many people about both podcasts and now at least 3 of my friends listen regularly too! Brett and Alice thanks for your sharing your legal knowledge and insight into each of these cases, so more cases will be solved and victims families can gain some closure. I will still be listening from Austin Texas!
AZ Runner GalGreat explanations of case lawAlice and Brett do a phenomenal job of explaining legal matters to the layperson. I have also come to appreciate their humor and banter. I have learned a lot over the past few months of listening to Legal Briefs. Brett and Alice, please break down Graham v Connor and the objective reasonableness standard. I think more people need to understand how the Courts look at use of force.
chickwhostiredofnicknamehe!!Kelo v New LondonI never leave reviews but The Banana Court Song has changed that. This is one of my favorite podcasts. Random ridiculous question: what was the last kids movie you found yourself watching without realizing your kids weren’t even in the room?
Lynn4everFantastic with presenting the factsSo many podcasts out there deal with conjecture or speculation or simply make up ideas based on minimal facts. I appreciate that Brett and Alice explain how the judicial process really works and why things that may seem concerning or may be fodder for sensationalism are actually just part of the judicial process. And they do it in an entertaining way. Question - have you ever gotten to cross examine a defendant and, if so, how fun was it?
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