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Jaylene’sEnjoyListening to a feel good podcast is nice and Im so sorry there are so many victims in this whole situation. I know you have all suffered from this but yet you still come on here and tell your story. Please continue to share Thank you I have listen to the podcast since it started and had EMDR therapy during the time it was brought up on the podcast I had a bad breakdown a few months ago and my psychiatrist wanted me to do it. It’s been amazing and it’s good to hear when Ben talks about it and know I’m not alone I love you guys and consider you family 💕
Becki1949AlexI’m glad you decided to talk about Alex. Popular or not, I found hearing about his positive qualities refreshing. No one is 100% bad & although I didn’t know Alex I always thought there was a before & after Chad, person. Alex is your family & you can hate what he did & still love him. God bless you both! ❤️
Ada McKYou didn’t speak for them. Not one of youI am so beyond disappointed that none of you spoke for them. Tylee had nearly no voice through this trial. Here was your opportunity to speak for her. To speak to the jury and to impress upon them who she was, why her life mattered to you. But you made it about you. Your needs are more important than speaking for a voiceless child. The selfish decision-making and utter cowardice must be in the Cox DNA. Because a selfless adult stands up, does the hard thing and puts their own self aside for a moment to do the right thing. And other than Colby, not a single one of you stood up. I can only imagine Tylee’s heartbreak now that no one else spoke for her, expressed their love for her and wanted to make sure she got justice. Pathetic.
DeannesueRex needs a better micCan’t listen to the wet sounds of his voice.
ENMesaDeniseI’ve been listening since you both have started this podcast. I have to say, out of all your episodes I think Denise has been my favorite. What an incredible woman, mother, human. We’ve only heard Part 1 but my goodness she truly deserves the recognition and respect. I’m praying for her and her family, especially with continued healing and peace. Thank you Adam and Rex for providing a safe space for her, and all your guest. May God continue to bless you both. Turning pain into purpose. ~Erica M~
Blinkyfrog7True crime listenerThe Craig shoemaker episode was the best so far! Consider having guests more often (and Craig back).
ienepetGreat GuysI wish them great luck with podcast. They both are excellent
D in CalDisgustingToo little too late! Way to rack in the cash. Just gross
Devine Ms DSome reviewers are weirdThe one asking charity salaries etc as if this podcast is raking in money, and mentioning them giving when you really haven't asked anybody to give anything lol. I am sure you will monetize as you learn, and you have as much right as anybody to profit, so should stop saying 100% charity. Adam lost his livelihood because of Lori, many others have warned plenty, there is nothing wrong with you earning.
nixfinityPlayed out nothing left to tellNice guys but told all they know after six shows. If not, tell more about the crazy parents, and if they still believe this LDS nonsense and if so why?
medicshelly223Great podcast/information from Adam Cox…I have been listening to this Podcasts from the very first episode. I have truly appreciated the “insight” that Adam and Rex are able to provide. Obviously with the upcoming trial of Lori in Az, it will limit the amount of information that they will be able to disclose, and other possible guests, until that trial is completed. I will ABSOLUTELY WILL BE following this Podcast, and I understand that this Podcast is a complete “learning as they go.” Once everything is all figured out, I FULLY intend on supporting this Podcast. Especially after hearing todays “Response from Adam” in regards to the loss of his job/career. I do not know the radio station that Adam worked at, however, that Radio Station should be 1000% ASHAMED of their choice to “let Adam go, on the EXACT DAY OF Lori’s Sentencing.” I do absolutely pray that Adam can take some type of legal actions against that Radio Station. PERIOD. A GREAT set of Attorney’s (husband & wife) is Bob & Allison Motta, as they have followed this insane case, but MOST IMPORTANTLY, Bob and Allison Motta are GREAT/SUPER- attorneys. If I ever found myself in a legal situation, I would do everything in my own POWER to hire Bob & Allison Motta. I like in Oklahoma, so not exactly sure how that would workout legally, but Bob and Allison Motta are GREAT, they FIGHT HARD for their clients, and the American Laws, the American Constitution. Personally, it truly angers/upsets me, personally to hear what that Employer of Adam Cox did to him, and the EXACT DAY of Lori’s SENTENCING. THAT IS COMPLETE BS….. Bob & Allison Motta are NOT prosecutors, they DEFEND those that need defending, without JUDGEMENT. Prayers to Adam Cox, Rex Conner and the entire Cox family, including extended family members. As for the family members that are attempting to “make up” accusations, just to gain attention, SHAME-SHAME on each of You. I have heard these “interviews of these family members, and the SINGLE BEST way to know that certain extended family members have their very OWN AGENDA, it’s OBVIOUS, as there is ALWAYS a “Book” that that family member wrote, and the ONLY reason for doing an interview is to SELL their OWN individual BOOK. Which is just a CLEAR/OBVIOUS Sign that there is a personal agenda, which has nothing to do with the Lori - Chad Daybell case’s, it so they have a public platform to try and sell their book. As for Adam and Rex’s book that is coming out, now this is the ONLY book I have already pre-ordered, because I believe that Adam and Rex are doing this to truly help all of us to “ get a better understanding” of the family dynamics, what they each knew, and when and the history leading up to the horrific murders. Praying for ALL the family members involved.
elizabeth8186Cashing inDoes it feel like they’re just cashing in on the family’s tragedy??
HanC1123Wet mouth sounds and self helpI am here for inside knowledge on the family and the case. I think when they talk about those things, this is a really interesting podcast. I don’t want to hear about anything other than the case and the family, and I find it really weird when they talk about self-help. Rex seems like a really nice guy, but they have got to get him a microphone that does that. Let you hear all of the wet voice sounds. The well tongue and vocal sounds are really hard to listen to. There are some pretty cheap microphones on the market that would hide those sounds really well.
***adams***CharityI would like to know what nonprofit group are you donating the money to? I’d also like to know who is on the board of the nonprofit group and the salary. That is something that does. It lists nonprofit groups and how they spend the money, etc. Why aren’t you telling us the name? I want to do my due diligence before my money goes to an organization. Also, I saw that Rex had a charity but it’s not listed on 🤔
WylieLakeCharles’ insurance moneyCan you investigate and report if Kay made good on her testimony that she paid Charles’ older sons half of the million dollar insurance money? It has been reported she did not even though she testified in court she did. Thank u
SoccerMnkyBrax Gave Excellent Insight!Most non LDS Christian denominations teach Christians will be Raptured and, therefore, spared from the Tribulation Period. Thanks for clarifying that LDS evidently teach differently. The view that Christians will have to remain behind and endure or die during the Tribulation Period understandably causes great anxiety, and an urgency to prepare for many people. I am SO glad my Christian church teaches pre-tribulation Rapture! .. because the alternative is a terrifying concept.
GPackG1414777Great perspective and thank you for insightI just wanted to thank you for sharing your perspective and humanizing Lori and Alex. As this can happen to anyone and any family. We do not see this expression or openness in a lot of true crime stories with victims or their families who are also victims and I cannot imagine the world each and everyone of you or your family members or friends walk through after these horrific events. I think this story is exactly what both you said “a perfect storm”. I just wanted to say thank you again for being so open on both your perspectives and I hope you both if possible can find any sort of closure. I did have a question about your thoughts and perspective of Melanie Gibb? Do you feel her testimony was strong enough to warrant any sort of immunity? The same question with Zulema?
MrzStuartMouth noises please stop!!!I’m so deeply sorry for the loss your family has been through. I am really so excited about this podcast BUT PLEASE FIX THE NOISES!!
Shad 2323Cousin Episode?Good for the most part but the cousin seemed way too enamored with Lori and Chad IMO, odd choice to have him on.
corduroyevergreenGood podcastI’m wondering, what did cousin Brax mean when he said, “Lori had an extremely hard life” ? What actually happened in her childhood? cause other family members make her out to be a spoiled cheerleader who always got what she wanted. Not explaining this makes it seem like there’s more secrets.
YahooMusicLove this podcast …First time following a podcast. I only have picked up details that the mainstream media. You are very brave to share your insight about the family dynamics. I agree, this is great therapy for both of you. Nice to know, there are family members (on all sides) that have common sense. If only the AZ police had investigated all of this from the beginning.
Jules0988Love that you are doing this podcastI admire you both for your strength in doing this podcast. I have followed the case from the beginning and have great interest. I have such sorrow for all of the victims. May you find peace and serenity in your lives.
AdvocateGirl410QuestionI am really liking the podcasts. My question is we’re you’re sisters molested by your dad? I know it’s a hard question but it would explain some of their behaviors along with the odd sexual relationship between Lori and Alex. In addition, I’m curious if she sexually abused Colby and Tylee while accusing Joe of doing it. She was very good at projecting her own behaviors/actions onto others.
lkakGrateful for their work to bring us this podcastThis is what the world has needed. A place to learn more from the family. Always wanted to hear from the immediate family to learn what things were like. We can learn a little more about what can happen, what to watch for… I’m glad for the reminder that there is a silver lining humanity can learn from, and work together with law enforcement - and organized religions - to stop this evil from occurring again.
hcbbvGreat!!You both are doing a great job!!
SandyCPAReally interesting podcastI enjoy these guys and hearing their side of the story. Particularly appreciate that they don’t make excuses or justifications for the horrific crimes.
dietcokemommaEnlightening!Great podcasts, I only wish they were longer. I have been following this story since the beginning and appreciate hearing from Lori and Alex’s family
dotjanbarDoing a great jobKeep up the great work! Please don’t listen to the naysayers it’s a hard and tragic story and we appreciate all your input and condolences to your family ❤️🙏
DaynaPerriDoing a great job!!It must take so much courage to do this, you guys seem so down to earth and credible. It's so interesting to hear your truths and perspectives. Keep up the good work boys. Can't wait for the book!!
Beckie GriffithsMuch better!Episode 5 is so great! Thank you for fixing the noise issues and the format was much more organized! Loved it! You guys are great!!
2Ellie03Oh noGuys, please take a deeper look if you really in your heart believe your objective is to heal people. I highly doubt most are listening because they seek healing from this. They are listening out of curiosity and because they can’t get enough of the story. If you, your own family and community need to heal, then try group therapy instead. This may not be about profit but it most certainly sounds self serving in some way. Please stop.
overit13592Informative and CompassionateI appreciate the process as you both are gong through it. The awareness of how it has affected so many people because at the end of the day we are human and want justice. I enjoy how everyone can relate to their own issues within their own families and how we can process it all. My heart goes out to you and your families!
Tria DInsightful (but…)My condolences to you both and your entire family. Im glad you all are telling these stories for your personal healing and to teach us all how to identify when we or our loved ones are spinning off the rails. However, as someone who has followed the case, I struggle with the “silver linings” moniker. It was hard to imagine finding any silver linings in the brutal betrayal and murder of children by their own mother and uncle. And I think I was right because I haven’t really heard anything that rises to that level in the podcast. I understand the personal need to find purpose in such a tragedy, but that seems a personal journey. From the outside looking in, it was evil and a horrifying tragedy. End of story. Also, the mouth sounds…really rough to listen through…as so many have mentioned. Best wishes on your healing journey…
Mountain MurdersEnjoy the showI enjoy hearing the story behind the story. Adam s doing a great job telling it first hand experience. Maybe it will help others.
argus1979My heart goes out to your family.I have followed the story from the beginning. My heart goes out to your family for the tragedy you have had to endure. Thank you for sharing some deep and personal things that might help others.
CaddyWampisThank youThank you for sharing your perceptions of what happened. My only irritation is that the first half of each episode is explaining what the podcast is about.
imoverthispodcastDrink some water or get better equipmentHonestly the podcast content is fine, but it’s crazy that they haven’t fixed the terrible mouth sounds yet. I can’t make it all the way through.
MynicknameformeLove ya, good show, but…Please dear, kind Uncle R, drink water before the next show. It was difficult hearing the message due to the distraction of sticky mouth sounds. ❤️😬
MT1980Why can’t we see episodes 5 and 6?We see you comment or Fillers but not the full episode. Please help!
jennnniffferHelp! Missing EpisodesEpisodes four and five are missing from here and from your YouTube channel. Your response videos were uploaded however, the episodes are missing.
MissySteadPlease filter or fix sound qualityI enjoy hearing about the family but I can’t focus on what’s being said because of mouth smacking. It’s like nails on the chalk board.
MelissaDDChange the titleI cannot tell you how horrifying I find the title choice. It’s been suggested/hypothesized that Lori came from a narcissistic family. The title choice really goes a long way to prove that speculation is perhaps accurate. You’ve made this case about yourselves and what you gained from it. I come from a religious background myself- so I do understand your worldview regarding trials and how they often give us things and contain silver linings. It’s at the very least a stretch to suggest that there are silver linings in a situation that involves the murder of children, and any “silver lining” should be personal and kept to yourself, as the loss far outweighs any personal development or gain - at worse this title choice seems exploitative. The fact that you both spent the majority of the first episode essentially trying to sell your audience on your reasons behind the title only seemed to further emphasize that you are aware of how off putting this potentially is. To use a podcast for research is also interesting and kind of hits wrong as well. I know you are attempting to present this as “helpful” but it left me really feeling like you are capitalizing on your family’s tragedy. To borrow the old saying “don’t piss on my back, and tell me it’s raining.” I highly suggest you change the title of your future book- I think it’s gross and tone deaf to those who find the murder of children egregious. I will continue to listen and hope that my first impression is off base and unfounded. I would prefer to think the best of both of you- but episode one left me with a bad taste in my mouth. Please reconsider your title and definitely do not title a book in this manner.
Jesse'sGirl52Mouth sounds!Love this podcast and hearing about the lives of all involved in this case. I struggle listening though, because of Uncle Rex’s mouth sounds. Not sure if it’s the microphone or what but please fix this issue. It’s icky.
lulu1074From the startThanks you guys. This is so interesting and helpful to understand the madness. I been following from the beginning to end. So now y’all are providing the middle ….
swing and swayTylee and JJ’s silver liningI am so proud of these two men. This has been a horrific experience for their family. However they remain dedicated to Tylee, JJ, Tammy and Charles and have recognized right from wrong. Thank you Adam and Rex 💙
mary beth carrie ann colleenOnly hoping to be helpfulHi! I am only hoping to be helpful by giving this feedback. Uncle Rex’s mic is suuuper hot, picking up every mouth sound at levels that overpower the words being spoken. Both mics sound hotter than they should be, but Uncle Rex’s more than Adam’s. I was unable to listen past 3 or 4 minutes of each of the two episodes that are released so far. I will come back in hopes that upcoming episodes will be listenable! I have full faith in the podcast being great, and I applaud you both for sharing what you can with us. 5 stars for my appreciation, but just want to make sure you are aware of the audio issue so you can make the best podcast possible—exactly what the kids deserve. Xo.
Guns and boozeSound of micsI think your hearts are in the right place. I feel like you two are really taking the opportunity to process all of this with us present, that feels vulnerable and brave. The only feedback I have is whatever mic you are using on the uncle is very sensitive and you can hear every word on his lips and when he breathes and it’s very distracting. There is a lot of mouth sounds and it takes away from the words being spoken. Thank you for sharing all of this wish us.
jthomasazJust what I wantedI listened to both episodes that are out so far and really enjoyed them. I too want to know how a seemingly normal person could have such a break with reality to kill her own children and continue to spout this crazy talk. Can you speak on whether she had any mental health problems prior to the major delusional disorder that she has now? Was she ever medicated?
in the gloamingFeels grossLots of meandering between tangents and repetitive anecdotes, but the main thing I take away is a complete lack of introspection or meaningful insight. The narrative seems to be that everything was perfect in their family until Lori went overboard with church and killed her kids. They talk about good and evil, dark and light, white wolves and black wolves, good and bad voices that are in everyone’s head and that Lori just succumbed to the dark/evil. It sounds like they agree with the fundamentals of her belief system and believe the only problem is that it ended with murder.
ChelseaLFCapitalizing on tragedyI was looking forward to this podcast, but when I listen to the first two episodes, it is very clear that these two men did not know those children very well at all. I think this does a disservice to Tylee and JJ. If someone was going to do a podcast like this, and name it after poor Tylee and JJ, it should at least be someone who was close to them. These poor kids are being failed over and over and over again. I think Adam and Rex have the potential to have a very interesting perspective on this whole story, but the podcast should not be named after the children when it is hosted by two family members who were clearly not close to them at all.
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