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541redDave and TerryOnly download dave and terry episodes now. Not into Tonya 🤙
Mac an tSionnaighHit or MissLately more miss than hit. I don’t understand the preoccupation with SNL. It’s not a particularly funny nor clever satirical show and it’s way past it’s sell-by. The entertainment topics of late on Fresh Air are, at very best, banal and sycophantic. Time to move on. What was an NPR flagship is now more of a canal barge.
❤️HughesSemanticsRegime change; to an authoritarian one.
ThegrandmaDLISTEN AND SHARE WITH 2 OR MORE!This is the best podcast out there! TRUTH keeps us all free.
Solovyev1DownhillOnce the greatest interview show on air, now predictable, mostly political, lost its heart
Ralius944How Did Elon Musk Become So Powerful In The Trump Administration?That’s it, that’s all I can take from this leftist rag. For the record, I don’t even LIKE Elon. i actually DESPISE Elon. But you’ve devoted an entire episode to a hit piece! This episode is all over the place and searching for any and all avenues to attack someone against NPR’s political bias. It’s not even a professional sounding episode, it sounds like two high schoolers talking about a popular kid they don’t like! Space X is a massive company as is Tesla and yet every single one of these bickering points they make makes it sound as if Elon himself is the one making every single decision at these companies. It’s frankly disgusting and I hope NPR can DO BETTER as I’m sure they would say.
AshukgeghhCome on, Fresh AirDuring this time of political upheaval, Fresh air has totally dropped the ball. Where are the interviews about what is going on in our government?
NYC-212A touchstone for the informed lifeTerry Gross, Tonya and team are American institutions. Brilliant research, informed conversations and charming conversationalists. Brilliant show!
bgq69Left Wing NonsenseSo surprised at how dangerously naive and elitist Sebastian Stan is. I guess when you have money through acting to think you’re better, smarter, and mor Competent than regular people and even than self made billionaires. But hey, at least he’s good looking
JNLCIATonyaCan’t listen if it’s not Terry or Dave.
childish drivelOMGThe new co-host is dreadful. FA is unlistenable when she hosts. Bring back Terry, even if it means re-upping past shows. I’d rather listen to an old episode with Terry Gross than one more minute of the new godawful co-host.
Claraaaaaa.Plan for Gaza/Recruiting CrisisIs this guy a mole? A propagandist? He’s a Trump (and Kuschner ??!!!??) apologist, and doesn’t seem objective at all. Not good and I don’t trust anything he’s saying.
The coolkid 2Not what it once wasIt used to be that I was so excited to hear a new episode of Fresh Air and I have been a listener for decades. Now I find that I am less and less interested in hearing an episode. There is an increasingly narrow range of topics or types of opinions expressed. I used to feel that my mind and knowledge were expanded by Fresh Air. Now the opinions are so predictable that I know what the bias of the interviewer is without having to think about it. How about some diversity - of opinion now and then.
TCM279MLK, the organizer and radical thinkerThis episode was brilliant. Thank you so very much!
J-spgExtreme biasI use to enjoy the show but it’s simply no longer journalism. They exhibit extreme bias and have a political agenda.
M Liu-SPrecious interviews with Jimmy CarterThank you, Terry, for the interviews you did with Jimmy Carter. I cannot think of any better duos of the interviewer and interviewee.
leesselSpoilerI love Terry Gross and have been listening to Fresh Air since forever but come on, Terri has always been the Queen Spoiler but this time she outdid herself. For anyone who hasn’t watched “Succession” Terri just absolutely spoiled it in a major way by recounting in detail the last scene of the last episode of the series. Why have none of her producers ever called her out on this? So a word to Fresh Air listeners, beware of episodes about film, plays, books etc that you have not seen or read .
Demi1982AvidListenerShow keeps getting betterThe entire ensemble is good but I get so excited when Tonya Mosley’s interviews are featured. I’m a long time listener and she keeps me on my toes. I love Terry and Dave and will listen no matter what, but lately I’ve been able to predict who they will interview because it’s the same people NYT and the tv show circuit. Tonya introduces me to new people and ideas, exactly what NPR became known for, introducing us to the world outside of our bubbles. When she interviews the big stars I look forward to her take. She puts the fresh in Fresh Air.
k!k!m@suDeadwylerWhat a fascinating interview of an actor of so much depth.
Camarie1085Terry is the showThis rating is for Terry. The reality is that Fresh Air is what is because of Terry Gross. Her energy and warmth establishes comfort in her interviewees, but she doesn’t shy away from asking questions and follow ups that draw out interesting and complex answers you don’t hear in interviews with the same people. This talent distinguishes her from the endless list of other interviewers and competing culture podcasts that simply cannot do what she does. I find myself skipping this podcast more and more when I scroll through an episode and don’t hear her voice. I’m not sure what the future holds, but if you are a new listener and want to hear Fresh Air at top performance, try to find her interviews. It’s challenging because the descriptions don’t say who conducts the interview (frustrating but I get it).
name881Fresh AirWant more Terry & Dave- miss them! Please have them on more. Fresh Air is just not the same without them- the way they interview, the topics they pick, even the cadence of their voices is engaging and comforting.Thanks
mgwood123Fresh Air Entertainment TonightIs this show now mostly celebrity interviews??
joajoaniefunAlways such a trusted go toI agree that these are widely topiced interviews, they are interesting, they are usually fairly deep, and I relate to many of them in my own life. And many times when I catch part of them in my car on the way home from work, I listen to the whole thing later on the podcast.! NPR has led me to so many good podcast! Rock on rock on rock on
süsüserFiller words filler adsHave not listened lately because um like I mean filler words irk me to like no end, you know what I mean?like. Also, bills must be paid thus the plethora of ads but can’t do that no more neither Really appreciate the plenitude of greatness that has prevailed. Kudos.
Fiona4.3.2.1.Dum DumsThis review section looks almost as nasty as xtwitter LOVE the show!!
FlameonyouAnd then they did a review of a trans film.I’m a paying subscriber. Here we go again. No wonder we lost the election. Stop referring to men as women. It really is ridiculous if you think about it all. They can dress up all they want. act like us, change their sex organs but they are still men! They can’t take the word women! Wish the Dems would learn their lesson.
TrueCrimeTartareBored with actorsIt used to be a feat for an actor to “make it” onto Fresh Air. Less unique now. Social media has made celebrity culture so ubiquitous I don’t feel as curious about comedians and performers like I once did. Maybe Im just older…but I like the historical and political takes from really smart thinkers - esp authors who wouldn’t get a platform elsewhere.
Dark ThackerayOutstandingTerrie and Tonya are outstanding interviewers and hosts and the show takes on fascinating topics, big and small.
MkeY234Z62Racist Propaganda from our government10/28/24 Eliza Griswold book review - A Princeton professor concludes with the message that Trump supporters are wedded to American exceptionalism, white Christian nationalism and “celebrating whiteness.” It is NPR’s favorite narrative : Trump supporters are dangerous, racist White Christians. NPR is funded by our tax dollars and wealthy donors (who are tied to the government in a plausibly deniable way). The revision of Smith–Mundt Act in 2013 allows the federal government to propagandize Americans. So Why is state sponsored media creating fear against certain racial / religious groups? Governments in the past have used propaganda to demonize races and religions to gain political power to disastrous ends. Ms. Gross, as the executive producer of Fresh Air, why do you constantly allow this racist and divisive rhetoric on your program? 2/29/24 Hour long Bradley Onishi interview claims Trump voters are literally “Preparing for War.” - A common theme on NPR nowadays is to claim “white Christian nationalists” will violently overthrow the government during the next election for Trump. This is the definition of RACISM. It is racism in its highest form to lump your political enemies along racial and religious lines and declare war on them. By claiming that THEY will commit violence, NPR is implying that one better “get them before they get us.” NPR is funded by the government, but mostly by the world’s richest elites via their “foundations” and NPR’s CEO’s appear to be from the western world’s intel community. Why do the world’s elites and our western governments continually propagate this message? Why do they wish to disunite with this dangerous language? Historically, when has dividing a country by race and religion ever worked out for the better? 4/22/24 Another book interview and the message is: white, male, Christian Trump voters are dangerous to America’s future. There are no journalists at NPR. This is racism in its rawest form. And they are no longer hiding it.
EdaneastTerrie should let someone else interview the PalestinianTerrie your attitude toward todays quest was so flat and different from last weeks interview with the Israeli writer. This is bigger than you. 70+ years of Israel killing is enough. They were once the targeted population. How could they not see what they are doing!
danny3shitsTerri GrossWhen I was a kid I imagined Terri was hot. Then I saw her picture! Omg. Truly a face for radio. Thanks, God. 🙄
YetrufflepigTanya, stop interrupting!!I don’t mind Tanya, she’s not and never will be Terry. And I could listen to her interviews even though she’s not as engaging but I CANT STAND WHEN SHE INTERRUPTS GUESTS WHILE THEY ATE TALKING!!!! Sometimes she does it to complete their thought and sometimes she does it, and it is so infuriating when I want to hear what the guest has to say, only to get cut off by Tanya interrupting!! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!!! Stop interrupting Tanya!!!
Che BlockJeremy StrongLove him in Lincoln
Raincloud06Amazing interviewsFeels like the New Yorker in audio form. Honestly, I feel like it works better as a radio show where you can’t pick and choose what to listen to though.
Wholeness seekerNo titleThere’s no way I’m going to pay for a subscription. I even often just mark episodes as played. This used to be a podcast I listened to every day.
desperately singleIna Garten deservedTerry Gross and I was disappointed it was Tanya who hosted the interview
dickydipperState affiliated mediaYep
JakeTruth&JusticeTerry Gross IS Fresh AirTerry Gross IS Fresh Air. There is no substitute. Give Tanya Mosley her own show with its own theme and brand, but this feels like a bait and switch. As Neil Young wrote, it’s better to burn out than to fade away.
Ethics MavenYesThank you, NPR. I love you ❤️🎵🙏
QueenG924Subscription OnlyI have been enjoying Fresh Air for decades. I’m disappointed that so many of the episodes are in the “Best Of” category now. Unfortunately this paid “subscription only” model seems to be the new thing from YouTube to Instagram to other news and information outlets.
SafetyForKidsGiving Maggie Haberman voice is repugnantI love this show and have been a listener for years. Haberman is a hack and I’m very disappointed in NPR.
Long-time supportCan no longer support NPRI’ve been delighted and informed from the early days by Fresh Air and the hosts’ wonderful interviews. Unfortunately, no longer. The reason is the increasing amount of ads and promotional breaks, particularly in Fresh Air, which are annoying and a time waster. If I support NPR, why do I have to be subjected to this? I no longer donate to NPR.
xhhwbakhcnrkaPlease no more Tony MosleyLove fresh air but I can’t stand Tonya nose let’s voice. Please make someone the permanent cohost Dave Davies or Annmarie bolbanado
sallygorpLongtime listenerThis show used to be my favorite. Now the topics and interviews to me are boring. No interest.
Hopeful in COToo many "Best Ofs"Been listening to Fresh Air for years, but I'm sorry to see so many "Best Of" programs. There are so many interesting people doing all sorts of things and I'd love to hear from them.
ssff234Love TonyaGreat addition and great perspective! Love her interviews!
DJGrumpygeezerExtortionBeen listening to and enjoying Fresh Air for four decades, but folks, I’ve about had it. This last episode must have had a dozen ads. Seems to me like NPR is purposely trashing the free listening experience to strong arm us into paying for Plus. It’s not enough that I generously support Public Broadcasting through member contributions? I am done with this podcast.
RunningdaddyTanyaI’ve listened to Terry for over 30 years and no one interviews better. That said I understand that Terry may want to slow down a little and retire at some point and thus, there is not wrong with adding a co host. I just find Tonya difficult to listen to. I know she’s qualified and has the experience to do the job but she speaks in this tone that I find very irritating and distracting. At first, I couldn’t even verbalize what the problem was. However, after many weeks, I can say that she speaks in this soft voice that sounds like a Kindergarten teacher. If she could modulate and emote a little more, speak in a more natural conversational tone, I think it would make all the difference.
Amyhw1115TiredTanya is better than Terry and Dave who are old and have tired ideas. Sorry Terry, you are past your useful life. Need fresh blood!
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