Critical Hit: A Major Spoilers Real Play RPG Podcast

Games #109

Follow along and have some fun, in one of the longest running Real Play Podcasts.

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Recent Reviews
  • Agent Vex
    Literally my favorite podcast
    This is by far my favorite actual play podcast, I am currently listening to the “Shadow of the Demon Lord” campaign and I love it very much! Also the audio quality is amazing! I sometimes listen to help inspire my own campaigns (I’m a DM by the way) and just love the comedic humor but also mixed with the seriousness of the plot. I would give this podcast ten stars if I could. And even if I could, ten stars would still not be enough. Also for any new listeners out there YOU SHOULD DEFINITELY LISTEN TO THIS AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. Like this is literally my like favorite podcast currently and would totally like recommend this to fellow DND nerds. Also for any fans of this podcast you should read “Of Dice and Men” by David M Ewalt, the book is a must read for DND geeks and freaks.
  • Qwexly
    Absolutely amazing show!!!
    This show is absolutely amazing, it is funny and informative and helps me get through my longs days of otherwise boring work, I’m at episode 96 of the celestial crusade, but I’m making my way through at a quick pace. Thanks so much for all you do, keep up the good work!!
  • sdeck2
    Great Fun to Listen to
    I played a lot back in the AD&D era and listening to these guys makes me smile and laugh every episode. Started listening at the beginning a few months ago on my commute and now I’m just starting on the Dinosaur series and really hoping that Matthew finally learns his weapon bonus math! It ain’t rocket funnel cakes! Seriously, great fun. Always enjoy it!
  • Oldirtdog
    My daily listen with the kids
    I wanted a D&D podcast that I could listen to with my kids while we drove to school in the morning. Most of the others are not kid friendly and this one fits well enough. We are starting from the beginning which is 4th edition. The rules are a little different that what we are used to, playing 5th. However it’s really fun to hear how the game has evolved.
  • Hyper_lexic
    Definitely my favorite actual play podcast
    Updating my review 4 years later! This is still my favorite actual play podcast. They wrapped up their 4e campaign after about 9 years and all 30 levels, and have moved on to a series of other games with various GMs. As of today (November 2021) they’re in the midst of a Starfinder campaign that I love. Original review from ~2017: Skip past the fact that it’s 4e and maybe you prefer a different system... these guys (using the gender generic version, because there’s one woman) have been together in some form for 6 years and they’re great.
  • morologous
    Here, take these pods of casting...
    This podcast has been amazing from episode one. The cast is energetic, fun loving, and humorous. This live play podcast listens like an edited version of your own home game - if your home game had an evil mastermind like Rodrigo Lopez running the table. Thanks for many years of listening enjoyment, Stephen, Rodrigo, Brian, Matthew, Sam, and Rob!
  • Corndog batman
    I have been with this show since the beging, and am going throught it again. I love Critical Hit.
  • Jmob466
    Just want you to play
    Got through the first 34ish episodes and had to stop. I just want to listen to people playing D&D, but these people talk so much extra, be it unnecessary tangents or other games.. if I have to listen to that one guy talk about “well, in world of Warcraft..” it’s like bruh, this ain’t WoW, it’s D&D, and for the love of god, just play it! Might pick back up in a few months, but we’ll see. All in all, started off decent, but just wanted to hear people playing the game, not explaining it. You wanna learn how to play D&D? Buy a book, watch YouTube vids, or listen to this group of guys baby walk you through it all, then not even know their own initiation score. Get outta here with your blind leading the blind deal. DM’ing is great though
  • OrangeJuicePie
    Best real-play podcast out there!
    I have been listening to this podcast for a little over a year, and the episode that was where I caught up was a mail bag with my question featured. Rodrigo is a great gm, Matthew talks in binary(that’s my 1 *10), and I would totally recommend this podcast to everyone! Btw, to everyone who says that trelle ruined the story, or Matthew is annoying, can you leave? We don’t want you here if you don’t accept the group.
  • 0C70PUS
    The Greatest Show on Earth
    A well rounded story with a excellent characters and exciting story. Listened since 2014 and have gone back again and again, congratulations Major Spoilers for Finishing the Void Saga and hopes for the next adventure to be just as fun! And maybe Rodrigo can be a player next time
  • piperspicks is averge
  • needmorebooks
    They don’t cuss every 10 seconds so five stars XD. I’ve never played D&D but as of now I can’t start learning because I can’t leave my house because of COVID-19. This podcast is helping me learn by osmosis. I’m only on episode 45 as of now, but I’m so excited that I have SO MANY episodes to listen to! Really like D&D pods, so I’m happy I found one that isn’t so explicit and is still amazing quality! Also, Steven/Orum has a very soothing voice that is good for podcast listening too.
  • eZtarget84
    A must listen for D&D
    Discovered these guys late into the show. Started following their current adventures and catching up on their early ones, but paused to focus on just catching up. My only sadness in this is that now I have to wait to hear Sam. :-(
  • StarWarsman😜
    Awesome podcast!
    This is an amazing D&D podcast, ant the storytelling is awesome. They should do a D&D 5E campaign, that would be amazing!
  • jdsllmn
    15 episodes in and it keeps getting better, world building is incredible, my only issue would be that rodrigo doesn’t voice his characters with much emotion or personality, which at times can take away a bit from the story. Otherwise awesome podcast loving it.
  • MatthewT84
    Inspiration for a tabletop RPG noob
    I started listening to this podcast a year and a half ago while trying to find something interesting to listen to while at work. At that time I had just created my first Tabletop RPG character in a homebrew Pathfinder campaign that my brother-in-law started. My only experience with D&D mechanics was through playing the Baldurs Gate and Ice Wind Dale games when I was in High School. I love listening to your interactions in game and through that it has helped me gain a greater understanding on how to better play D&D/Pathfinder. On top of the campaign I play with the “Adults” you have inspired me to run a “Mini” campaign for my Children and their cousins (aged 4-9) I run the campaign like a choose your own story adventure book. I help them craft their characters and during the encounters give them choices to make to help them learn how the game is played. Thanks to Rodrigo for all the wonderful inspiration from your story crafting. I’m trying to get caught up to the current season while concurrently listening to the current season. Keep up the good work. In the end “I Duck” is my favorite phrase😜
  • MarcAckerson
    Great games, great binge
    I just started listening about a week ago, I’m already 62 episodes in and loving it. I haven’t had a group to play D&D with for over 15 years, listening to Steven start from the beginning and switching over to running his own campaign is great. Rodrigo reminds me of my favorite DM, running with a group of sarcastic silly gamers and pushing them through an epic story. Keep up the great gaming guys! Can’t wait to catch up to the current content.
  • stbush
    Caught up in the adventure
    After three weeks of putting off all other podcasts, I finally am current with the adventures of Torq and the Torqletones. The recording quality is superb and the relationships between the players and their characters is always worth listening to. To top it all off, the story spun by Rodrigo is epic and always leaves me wanting to hear the next episode. Great job guys! Randus is awesome! Update: Still listening every week 8 years later. If you haven't started, you're in for a treat. It's worth joining this journey!
  • Blue_Dandelion
    My favorite real play D&D podcast ever!
    I came across this podcast in April and have been binging ever since! The players are all enthusiastic and charismatic people, the role-playing is top-notch, and Rodrigo the DM does an excellent job of worldbuilding and managing the flow of the sessions. A commenter below me mentions Adriana, who comes in at season four: IMO, after the first couple episodes, she finds the niche in the group quite easily (and her character Trelle is a delight).
  • Fishslider
    Loving spending time listening to this pod cast. I am only on episode 18. I’ll be listening to this during all my free time, work, and all my chore time! Thanks
  • Fezik the Patient
    Excellent program
    I’ve been listening to this podcast for years, I greatly enjoy it. Thank you to everyone at Major Spoilers for sharing this with us.
  • Mut26
    Listen from the start
    I’ve been listening since the beginning. I played long ago. Thanks to this show it helped inspire me to start playing again.
  • CCBCstudent
    I started listening years ago...
    I started listening to Critical Hit years ago, before I even played any role playing games myself. This group sparked my interest in D&D and other tabletop games, so thanks y’all! It’s a fantastic show, I still listen! Thank you for all the entertainment and inspiration, keep it up!
  • Deaton the Who?
    Through the Winder!!!
    I made this account just so I could leave a review on this show, and will do so on a few others now; but it was this show that introduced me to real play podcast. I found this podcast about 3 years ago after Real play podcast were introdiced to me by a friend. I immediately fell in love with the characters and found myself glued to my phone listening through the episodes whenever I could and quickly caught up. You really owe it to yourself to listen to this one to hear a unique take on a magic world(s) with interesting blends of tech. There are multiple games sprinkled though the library of this show fromother games as well, all of which are good. I am still waiting for either Matthew to DM a 1e game or for them to have to face down Torq the HalfOrg God of Funnelcakes and Puppies!!!
  • OmegaLasris
    Amazing live play podcast
    I’m on my 3rd time through and I just can’t get enough.
  • Maijstral
    Best DnD Real Play Podcast Available
    Love this show so much, especially with Sam on the cast! If you want to save yourself a headache, skip the season with Adrianna. I was certain she was going to be the end of the party by pissing off the other players all the time.
  • Kintarotpc
    Consistent quality through the years
    I've been listening to Critical Hit for years. It's almost hard to believe it's been so long. Steve does a fantastic job with the audio quality of the production and frankly I don't know how he does it. The stories are wonderful and the players are all a blast. I'll be listening for as long as these folks keep making it!
  • Takethelguy
    Love the podcast
    It is my favorite podcast, I am slowly going through all of it. :)
  • ShaggaSonofDolphZiggler
    Critical hit to the heart
    After falling off for a while I came back and binged all of the Legacy of Ghosts storyline and I couldn’t believe how it was just like falling back in with old friends. Thanks for all the laughs and gasps and of course D&D Brian’s crit fails. Keep up the hard work love the show.
  • SerTyrion
    Great show
    Please don’t read this on the air. But I love the shows I’m hundreds of episodes behind but slowly catching up.
  • loudwhisperthe3rd
    Good but limited
    I started listening to this podcast when I was a freshman I think. Back then, everything was solid, from the players to the gym to the story. And now that the reached more than 400 episodes, we can see it’s value. However, this makes listening to old podcasts difficult, as it’s nowhere near as convenient to listen from the start. If they had an separate podcast as an archive, that would be appreciated.
  • Billingsworth221
    Terrific "real-play" D&D podcast - always excited when a new episode drops.
  • Beerba fett
    My longest ongoing podcast I still listen to
    Podcasts evolve change and fall in and out of favor. Critical hit is my rock. Even when changes occur it’s always exceptional. Everyone involved should be commended. I love all the characters and would be hard pressed to pick a favorite. Rodrigo is a masterful DM who manages an epic amount of storytelling and npcs. Keep up the stellar work, as long as you keep making them I’ll keep listening.
  • Same ole Jason
    Great story and great people
    This is a very well DM’d DnD podcast, the players are entertaining and interact very well with each other. The story they follow is very well crafted and remains interesting and the players do a really good job of playing within their characters. They enjoy their time and it comes through in the podcast. It has given me a lot of enjoyment while I work.
  • laylath
    Great cast. Rodrigo teaches me something each week about how to be a better Game Master. The role play interactions are so good. The characters are well developed and have real emotion and act according to character desires not to optimal play. ❤️
  • Gege2250
    Back to my childhood
    I am so stoked to have found you guys . I have started from the beginning and am loving every moment of the action . This brings me back to my childhood where I played with my best friends and brother till the wee hours of the morning . So much has changed ! It makes me want to play again . Maybe I shall
  • callar
    A show I will cherish my whole life
    I found this show I wanna say, when I was in 7th or 8th grade, when there was about 10-15 existing episodes and have been listening ever since, laughing, crying, and just having a great time listening to this show got me through a lot of my teenage years, and a few depressive bouts. The day this show ends will be extremely difficult for me, the whole team is like family to me in a way. I recommend starting from the beginning and listening to every little bit of this podcast. Hundreds of hours of amazing entertainment for free. Couldn’t ask for anything better thank you so much for everything I’m 22 now and this show was formative for me, love all the members of the major spoilers team. Thank you.
  • I Can't Pronounce This
    THE WORST being bad. It’s too good. :P I’ll avoid any major spoilers (ha, ha) for the plot in this review. At most I’ll say a few names. The show has gone through a few different changes over the years, but it’s never lost what I love most about it - the camaraderie of a few funny, intelligent dorks being great friends and excellent storytellers. Four Against The Void kicked things off with style, starting in what appears to be a fairly generic fantasy setting, and then doing something huge to make it _WEIRD_. Thony is an excellent person, especially - I love his laugh. After that, in Celestial Crusade, Rodrigo’s worldbuilding gets better by leaps and bounds - and it was already amazing to begin with, so that’s saying something. The “other third” characters - especially Glaa - were amazing to see. The battle in the Palace of Carnage was a very high point in the season, as well as the part where a magic pocketwatch caused... shenanigans... to unfold. xD The first half of Lords of the Feywild puts a lot of the spotlight on Orem and Trelle. Most of the creatures they face are polite, infuriating and terrifying, without being so overboard that you hate them. This is an amazing way of depicting them. Especially The Hogba, who is basically a DM in-and-of-himself if you think about it. Trelle brings some much-needed emotional tension to the story here as well. It took getting used to, but this is when the story started making me feel things besides just plain excitement, and really brought a lot of emotional depth to the story. Many stories can make you feel happy, but it takes a special story to make you feel sad, angry, or fearful, all without making you lose interest in the story. The second half of Lords of the Feywild is _nuts_. The worldbuilding kicks up another notch (again) with the introduction of several new places and peoples, as well as another look at a few old ones. The ending is another huge moment of emotional depth for the storyline, and I love that. Legacy of Ghosts kicks worldbuilding into overdrive. Again. Rodrigo already turned the storytelling knob up to 11, but here he completely breaks it. I have no idea how he comes up with so much good stuff, but he has an uncanny ability for inventing organizations and bureaucracies and societies and peoples. All in all, I’d say definitely listen to this. If you’re a first time listener, I’d say start at episode 63 (the beginning of Celestial Crusade) and keep listening from there. If you find that you like what you’re hearing, feel free to jump back to the beginning, or keep listening from where you’re at - either way, you’ll have a blast.
  • Ghost of Tum Darkblade!
    Consistent quality!
    This is my all time favorite D&D actual play podcast, and I’ve been listening to them every week for several years now. The audio quality is great, they do not get side-tracked or tangent, the editing is awesome, and most of all I love the story and characters. Most other actual play podcasts suffer either from bad audio, the players not being focused and spending large amounts of time talking about random stuff, or the stories are not very long running. Critical Hit is a cut above and suffers none of these maladies that plague the actual play world. I look forward to every episode and am never disappointed. Keep it up Critical Hit!
  • Seven Ish
    Good, but....
    Can’t seem to put up the old episodes so you can get them on the podcast app. Pretty frustrating.
  • paradoxinferno
    Love it
    Just hoping I get a shoutout lol
  • K6PUD
    Finally a Clean Gaming Podcast
    We have been listening to this podcast since episode 1 and it's been a godsend! Finally a podcast I can listen to with kids in the car! The cast is fun and knowledgable and I've stolen many an idea from Rodrigo for my own game.
  • Anthony_Harlow2000
    This indeed is a Critical Hit!
    I played D&D back in the early 90’s but moved away and never recovered the ability to play. Flash forward and now i have two kids under 3 and i want to rebuild the memory and have my kids have the same fun I remember so many years ago. Listening to your podcast and buying the materials i will be more than prepared to run a game for my family and friends. Thanks for the entertainment and info you have provided since 2010 when i began listening.
  • Kmstyf
    Late to the game
    Wow. If you like any real play podcast, this is required listening.
  • Miccccccccc
    Great show
    Hey I started listening to your pods of casting when you all were level 17 then through the weird western I have enjoyed both shows. Now I have gone back to the start of it all and am roughly 100 episodes into the show and find myself unable to stop your RP combine with humor makes this show great! Thank you keep up the good work!
  • fake_nam
    Amazing Story and Great Cast
    The main critical hit story is absolutely amazing, and the cast is fantastic together. If I have one complaint it’s that in the side series apart from the main story I got a taste of what Rodrigo is like as a player and want more!
  • FunnyWhiteGuy69
    Fantastic Podcast!
    I played D&D a lot when I was in my teens and loved it. Listening to this podcast is such an inspiration to start playing again! Y’all are really awesome for recording these great pods of casting!
  • sorcle
    Wonderful Cast and Engaging Storytelling
    I know she’s been here for quite a while, but I just want to say how perfect of a match Sam has been for the podcast. Funny, engaging, and on pace with everyone. Feels like she’s always been there!
  • SquagsIV
    Feeding my D&D fix
    A very well done and entertaining podcast
  • JimmyDocRocks
    Decent chemistry and frustrating people
    I’ve never played the game, but it took me all of two episodes to get a hang of the rules. Somehow, Steven and Matthew (who’s played before) ask the same questions over and over even 50 episodes in. Is it even possible to be that dense? The GM is good, if a bit heavy handed with the difficulty of his encounters, and the other two players are ok, a bit forgettable though. All that said, I’m still listening and plan to continue doing so as long as it doesn’t get worse somehow. Honestly prefer Drunks and Dragons, though.
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