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FrannieNanceOne of the best interviewers in podcastingSteven is one of the best interviewers I’ve ever listened to. He has a remarkable ability to let his guests speak while asking the right questions to draw out deep, insightful, and often unexpected perspectives. His thoughtfulness is evident in every episode, and it’s clear he puts immense time and effort into the production of the show. Diary of a CEO is never a waste of time—every episode is engaging, meaningful, and absolutely worth the listen. Highly recommend!
imfeeling22-erickaReviewsShoutout to my friend Jaqueline Saldana for unintentionally putting me on with this podcast. Every now and then I listen to Steven Bartlett on my break to give myself a reality check. It’s such a good podcast!
Mireles Real EstateBest PodcastEvery episode is great. You are always learning. Especially Evy Poumpouras episodes, 10 out of 10, take notes.
Lowa bugTop 5The tone of this podcast is positive, soothing and inspiring. Always uplifting. Thank you for your choice of guests and questions .
Zrobz93Gross headlinesI would probably probably listen more, but the titles are just too gross and click baity. I think it’s for a younger audience or something .
Austin the catShocking of his fear to challenge guests, even when insaneStumbled upon this podcast listen to the Ayn Rand following millionaire lady and then the Weinstein interview. Shocked that this host would not even challenge him no matter how outrageous the statements were. So climate change is a hoax because we don’t see any academic papers against it, which means that The academic papers must be suppressed. That would otherwise be against it. What bizarre circular reasoning. I guess then claimed Anthony Fauci is americas number one weapons manufacturer and was working with the Chinese on the Covid weapon, but has no explanation why the top American government weapons maker would be working with the Chinese communist party.l
TFitch44Top PodcastI found this podcast by accident and have been an avid listener ever since. For sure buy his book, The Diary Of A CEO. Priceless. Thank you for sharing your vast knowledge and excellent interview skills.
Jo’sRosesLove for DOAC & StevenFantastic podcast with great interviews. I love Steven because he is skilled, balanced, genuine, knowledgeable, at ease & humorous in his interviewing. Allows the guest to take the spotlight so that listeners get the most out of each episode. Thank you for your great work!!
BeccaB56For the SuccessfulThis podcast is for anyone who wants to be successful without all the extra garbage. Steven is sincere, a word that means “without wax” from when a sculptor finishes a piece, he can say it’s “sincere” so there aren’t any broken parts, it’s all one complete masterpiece. I’m glad the algorithm introduced me to him and his content.
hshsebevObsessed with this podcast.I love how you interview the many professionals you choose to host. So many podcasters dominate conversations. You are so tactful with the ability to learn and listen. Which helps us. The listeners learn. The last one with Dr. Daniel Amen was so impactful for me personally. I was raised in a prolific cult. I am lucky to be one who has Post Traumatic Stress Growth. I never heard that term before. But I now understand how fortunate I am to be one of the %10 who processes trauma this way. I also was also so grateful to hear his advice on medicating an ADHD child. As my little boy is wired this way. And I’ve been very nervous to explore medication that could help him. So thank you so much. I also was loved and leaned so much from your podcast with Stacy Sims. I bought her book. And it has helped me so much.
NYC-212Solid programming, a bit long.Love this podcast, as it allows people’s personality unfold. Some great, others anything but. That’s the fun of it. Serve it up and take away what you will.
DrewesKooiGreat podcast, always interesting guests!This podcast has quickly become one of my favorites, good guests and in-depth interviews.
babyfawndoeLove you podcastDon’t listen to the few nay sayers here who complain about the diversity in thought that you provide in your guests. Example eating meat isn’t bad for our planet if we Steward properly with regenerative farming instead of CFAs and some of us find Jordan Peterson fascinating. I also really enjoy your podcast guests on super health topics and thank you for including great ones on women’s health as well. You podcast style is enjoyable. Bravo!
AcorneliusHard to listen toI tried to give it a listen. Awkward conversation till the middle of Ep 199. Then the host starts to defend Elon Musk. He says he’s just a little awkward and his negative press if just fake news from the radical left. I think I’ll pass on this one.
BamBamsDadSocial Media DietI have started a social media diet over the last 8 months which has meant including content that elevates my personal awareness, consciousness, and positivity. This has been added to my arsenal of go to content. I am truly appreciative of this gift. Blessings !
CaliiiiEgotisticJordan B Peterson ruined this podcast for me. Having a guest that talks down to women especially about fertility was disgusting.
PTwho🙏🏽Emergency DebateI’ve been listening to this podcast for quite some time. Always gaining new insight and information from all the wonderful guest you have had. What truly makes this podcast special is that you interview people from all walks of life. Different political views, different expertise and specialization. But with this episode I walked away feeling so proud of you and your team. No finger pointing, no shaming, just a real conversation between men. Society has all but forgotten what that is like. But you, you were able to bring it back to life, even if it was for just an hour or more. Thank you for always providing me with new intellect, insight, and even laughs! P.s I’ll be sharing this one with my son.
Concerned, JHit or missSome of the guests and conversations you have on this show are really eye opening and give a lot of food for thought. But the credibility gets wiped away when you have more extreme people on the show promoting things that are bad - perfect example is the recent episode about the carnivore diet. This is a human-centric concept shrouded in ignorance that conveniently forgets how bad this is for the planet and for the animals who we exploit, who suffer so much because of us. Sure, anyone can make an argument as to why any diet is superior when you shape it how you want. But you shouldn’t be promoting things like this that are actively harmful to the planet and its ability to sustain life. Boooooo.
PolishTunaWhat about young women?I like the podcast and the content but the host rubs me the wrong way. Always interested in hearing about “what about young men” which is great but would be nice if he asked about young women in the same frequency.
RichardC827Highly informativeSo many great guests on the show covering a vast amount of categories. Thanks for all the incredible content!
GrahargThe struggles and challengesThere is opportunity in grief.
DianeEB88Favorite PodcastAbsolutely love this podcast. So interesting to listen to Jordan Peterson. His discussion of faith and the divine was really interesting.
Oz2315Unsubscribed due to dangerous contentI followed the show for a while, but just unsubscribed when you featured a well-known misogynist, Jordan Peterson. In the future, I hope that you will consider the implications of uplifting such harmful voices.
Ella P12Good content, irritating headlines and descriptionsI like the interviews and the host. The content is of good quality. The headlines and descriptions are annoyingly exaggerated; clickbait material written with dishonesty. Why? You can do better.
JossMessnerGreat guests and great discussionsLove the discussions, topics and guests on this show.
SunshinehibiscusLearn every episodeIt's worth my time to listen to each episode! As today's scams increase globally, anything you can help citizens to prevent the financial loss and mental or emotional impact? Much appreciate it!
citheroniaFantastic Podcast!Steven is a really great interviewer! He is clearly caring, compassionate, and curious. He asks beginner questions to allow access for anyone from any background, and then includes higher level questions for more education and thought. He shares small tidbits of his own experience and life, but allows the guest to explain and talk the most. If you want to learn and grow in a gentle, caring, positive way, this is a podcast for you.
ZachElwoodHad serial liar Chase Hughes onThey had on a serial liar who has lied about his credentials in obvious and major ways. Google “Chase Hughes lies” to see what I mean: it’s a doozy. The fact they obviously don’t care to vet their guests whatsoever I think tells you all you need to know about ethics and level of quality Steven brings to this show. Even the slightest dedication to caring about the info they share with their audience would mean they’d Google and find this guy’s many red flags. It’s a disappointing statement on so many valuing clicks and money above ethics and responsibility.
EmilyD1974Who was watching your kid?Maybe Kids? Not sure. But the bio doesn't really tell the part of the story I'm interested in. Nor do any of the episodes I’ve heard. Making women invisible isn't answer.
3rdLStay CuriousSteven shares his curiosity and is very pensive during his podcasts. I like that! No fluff or over praising his accomplished guests. These are digestible fireside chats that have so far expanded me in one way or another.
XpadrileVery insightfulI recently discovered Diary of a CEO and it is now one of my go-to’s whenever I’m looking to listen to something educational or motivating. Steven’s conversations with his guests feel very natural, honest and very enjoyable. I particularly loved the episodes with Dr K and I’ve shared quite a few with my partner and my friends. Great show!
kloverlynIt’s all about PerspectiveI appreciate this podcast and also Steven as an interviewer and host. I am truly interested in the guests that Steven has on his podcast because they feel well-rounded, intelligent, resourceful, and truly educated about the topics in question. Steven as an interviewer is very insightful, and his interactions feel spot on. He seems to really value the quest within the question; it never feels like his questions are trite or just thrown out there as a questions for the sake of a question…he is thoughtful, and you can know this by witnessing his pause and reflection before speaking. I also appreciate how much he sets aside judgement and allows people to just express their views and opinions based on their field, which, most of his guests have devoted their lives/careers to the topics of discussion. As an American who feels they can clearly see how manipulative and brainwashing the news airwaves are, this is an intelligent and refreshing alternative to gathering information from people who are dedicatedly educated to their field. Steven is my favorite podcaster because of this. I see many people giving one stars for reasons that feel like either: they are way too accustomed to instant gratification (=podcast is too long - what if you just listen to it in increments that feel better for you? Vs. expecting other people to bend to your method of controlling others for the sake of your environment?), they are too indoctrinated (=the guest is too political or shares an opinion they don’t agree with or are from the opposite party as them…what if they would have more of an open mind about other people’s real time experience in the positions they are in?), or they perhaps are too sensitive to the possibility that western medicine is really not all it’s cracked up to be, (what if it’s possible that we are not being taken as great of care of as we would like to think?) In the end, all persons have the birthright to seek to know greater awareness for their own sake. This has felt like an incredible avenue of information, no matter if I have a difference of perspective, I can also appreciate the perspective of others.
jmW1969*Too much misleading infoDude needs to stop spreading potentially harmful medical info.
TonyS@11sNo challenge to disinformation? Then it’s only fake newsHow can you trust a publisher who challenges nothing and platforms everything. It’s a shame there isn’t a government body to regulate such harmful content. Please consider causing less harm with the rest of your time here on Earth.
mrcamerBad interviewingWhile guests are interesting and I can’t appreciate allowing them to speak, true journalism actually asks questions and pushes their interviewees on their false claims.
Shsomers1So much misinformation in recent months??For a podcast that says they do extensive research on each guest, I'm so disappointed by the amount of guests in recent months pushing medical misinformation. This podcast used to be so good.
no_thank_yewShame on youSpreading healthcare misinformation and increasing the burden on our already strained healthcare system is reckless. You should be ashamed for platforming these types of guests
SharonPopeTruthSharing Your Diary AgainSeriously…you sharing your diary again - and what you shared - felt so personal, so real and frankly so f-ing valuable on many fronts that this podcast will stick with me for a very long time (and I’ll be sharing it within my community as well). Thank you for being willing to do that again.
KazzleZAMore personal diary entries please!The episode of you going back to your original format was exceptional, please keep up this addition to your incredible show. Also looking forward to your 10 pods as the interviewee in Jan & Feb. Your show is 10/10, 5 stars, 100%!
swimmer10“Body Language” Episode - Best YetI never leave reviews… but DOAC is my favorite podcast and the Body Language episode is the best yet. I will listen to the full episode a second and third time it’s so valuable.
Dajie93Gullible moronImagine a host who agrees with everything his guest says.
Laurenm333AmazingSteven asks the most thoughtful and vulnerable questions, which leads to amazing answers from his guests, and learnings for the listener. If business, existential questions, life purpose, and self development had a baby, it would be this podcast. Thank you, Steven, for finding and hosting such amazing guests, and for asking the most thoughtful questions that lead to so much guidance for your listener. So grateful for the knowledge, and wisdom that I’ve learned from this podcast!
a good girlllTerrible InterviewerWhy would anyone listen to this drivel? Terrible interviewer, only responds when the guest gives him a compliment or asks him a question. WASTE OF TIME.
Chaim K.Loved episode with Brian KeatingWe need more science on DOAC! Thank you both
soulrockerTLeeBillionsWhat do billions of people do when tech takes over? Crime and destruction ensue. Schmidt’s utopian expectations do not factor in that people need productive lives. Look at India, Africa, Haiti, and yes, even US. Maybe everyone becomes a farmer and cobbler and weaver again
Rewards are greatGallowayThis episode is the exact reason Trump won. He doesn’t understand half of America and Steven ate up every bit of it. Super disappointing. All left wing propaganda talking points. When over half the country thinks we’re headed in the wrong direction and their standard of living has decreased, I would listen to them. Not say we just don’t understand the economy. Abortion is not the number one issue for Americans. The boarder and inflation matter more to people. Get out of your elitist bubble Steven and talk to real people.
Sweet Tea in TennesseeClickbait titles. I’ve unsubscribed. Sorry.This used to be a great podcast. I don’t mind the different viewpoints. I DO mind the clickbait headlines. A friend of mine, my spouse and two adult children feel the same way. I’m sick of it. I won’t be falling for it again. I’ve unsubscribed.
amjsjehkemnGreat stuffSteven has such a way with people. He is kind, smart, and a good listener. I don’t know much about his business aspect, but I thoroughly enjoy just listening to him, let alone the amazing guests he has on. Keep up the great work Steven!
SammyIreneRealWith everything going on in the world today, I’m glad that Steven provides a real and open show with lots of different perspectives. He doesn’t insinuate anything in his questioning, he listens, and he is relatable. Glad I found this podcast.
Name ProvidedGalloway the loserHow's the presidential bet going Galloway you insufferable, opportunistic shyster?
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